
RCC workshop: Best coding practices for Python projects

Primary LanguagePython


RCC workshop: Best coding practices for Python projects

Exercise 2: Pizza Histogram Generator

The pizza histogram generator will aggregate counts of pizza types (sausage, cheese, etc.) from a CSV file and will generate a histogram displaying the total frequencies of each pizza type.

Getting Started

Fork this repository if you haven't already and then clone your version of the repository to your local device, replacing <YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE> with your GitHub username:

$ git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE>/python-best-practices.git
$ cd python-best-practices


If you do not have Python3 installed on your device, install it here. Install the additional dependencies required to run this script in one of two ways:

  1. pip install matplotlib==3.0.2
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt


To generate the pizza histogram with the only required input:

$ python pizza_histogram.py -i /path/to/input/data.csv

An example input.csv file is located at python-best-practices/pizza_orders.csv.

To generate the pizza histogram with customized arguments:

$ python pizza_histogram.py -i /path/to/input/data.csv -d False -s True -o histogram.png

See below table for description of arguments:

Argument Flag Description
input_data (required) -i The path to the CSV with pizza types and counts
display (optional) -d Whether or not to display the output histogram. Options are True or False. Default value is True.
save (optional) -s Whether or not to save the output histogram as a .png file. Options are True or False. Default value is True.
out_filename (optional) -o The filename you would like to save your output histogram as. Default value is orders.png.