
This role deploys a Jenkins Swarm Slave to a SystemD compliant Linux (RHEL/CentOS 7, Debian/Ubuntu, etc.) server or a Windows10 Desktop or a Windows 2102R2+ Server


Assumes that Jenkins is already installed on a remote machine and has the swarm plugin installed. Update default/main.yml to align with your Jenkins install.

Role Variables

All variables used in this role are defined in defaults/main.yml. The variables are grouped into sections, where the variables that are intended to be frequently changed/overridden are defined first and variables that are less likely to be changed are defined last.

You can override the variables in any standard Ansible-way (e.g. group_vars, host_vars, playbook variables, command-line, etc.).

The variables we define in this role are:

Platform Agnostic

Variable Required? Default Choices Comments
jenkins_slave_jenkins_username yes jenkins username to use when connecting to the master CI server
jenkins_slave_jenkins_password yes password password of the username above to connect to the master CI server
jenkins_slave_jenkins_slave_name yes "{{inventory_hostname}}" the name of the slave
jenkins_slave_swarm_labels yes "{{inventory_hostname}}" label of the slave. multiple labels supported via a space-delimited string (e.g., "foo bar baz")
jenkins_slave_jenkins_master yes http://host.domain:8080 url and port of the master server
jenkins_slave_swarm_num_executors yes 2 number of executors the slave will support
jenkins_slave_jenkins_user yes jenkins username on the local box that will run the jenkins slave
jenkins_slave_jenkins_home yes
  • Linux: /home/{{jenkins_slave_jenkins_user}}
  • Windows: "C:\Users\{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_user }}"
home directory of the local user
jenkins_slave_bin_dir yes
  • Linux: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}/bin"
  • Windows: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\bin"
directory where the slave binary is installed
jenkins_slave_workspace_dir yes
  • Linux: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}/workspace"
  • Windows: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\workspace"
directory where slave workspace is located
jenkins_slave_log_dir yes
  • Linux: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}/log"
  • Windows: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\log"
directory where the slave logs will be kept
jenkins_slave_jenkins_swarm_jar yes swarm-client-3.3.jar jenkins swarm client jar filename
jenkins_slave_jenkins_swarm_jar_url yes URL to download the client


Variable Required? Default Choices Comments
jenkins_slave_service_restart yes 'no'
  • no
  • on-success
  • on-failure
  • on-abnormal
  • on-watchdog
  • on-abort
  • always
the value of the SystemD Restart= directive
jenkins_slave_service_restart_seconds yes 3 the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for restart


Variable Required? Default Choices Comments
jenkins_slave_win_swarm_batch_file yes swarm_start.bat The name of the Windows batch file that starts the slave
jenkins_slave_win_create_user yes true
  • false
  • true
Whether (true) or not (false) to create a local user to run the slave
jenkins_slave_win_user_password yes password The password of the local user


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Role Description Version Source
ar_java_openjdk Installs the OpenJDK java package master
ar_win_java Installs current version of Java via Chocolatey master

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: PLAY | (1) Role with defaults
  hosts: servers
    - role: ar_jenkins_slave
- name: PLAY | (2) Role with overrides
  hosts: servers
    - role: ar_jenkins_slave
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_master: ""
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_username: "jenkins"
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_password: "mypassword"
      jenkins_slave_swarm_labels: "{{ inventory_hostname }} molecule testing foo bar baz"
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_user: jenkins
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_swarm_jar: swarm-client-3.3.jar
      jenkins_slave_jenkins_home: "C:\\Users\\{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_user }}"
      jenkins_slave_bin_dir: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\\bin"
      jenkins_slave_workspace_dir: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\\workspace"
      jenkins_slave_log_dir: "{{ jenkins_slave_jenkins_home }}\\log"
      jenkins_slave_win_user_password: ap@sswordthatm33tsWindowsRequ!rements?
      jenkins_slave_win_create_user: true



Author Information

Author E-mail
Ben Watson

Role Development Information


See molecule/


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Please refer to the .gitignore file and update accordingly depending on your development environment, etc. The particular file was generated at and contains settings for the following:

  • Ansible
  • Python
  • Vim
  • Eclipse
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Linux
  • Windows


Please update as you release new versions of your role and try to abide by Semantic Versioning.


Please try to keep this role as self-contained as possible such that it may be simply installed (e.g. ansible-galaxy install) and applied as part of a playbook.