
Minimal Python game script. Works foremost in xfce4-terminal and Gnome terminal

Primary LanguagePython

Python(3) script based on the 1984 DOS game, BEAST


a. Install and run xfce4-terminal in Ubuntu/Mint

  1. On the git page, click the green Clone/Download button to get the .zip file
  2. Extract the zipped files, maintaining the same directory structure
  3. Give the beast.py file executable permissions: chmod +x beast.py
  4. In the terminal, change directory to that of the executable (or else audio will not work)
  5. Run the game: ./beast.py


  • 'esc'...........quit game / exit the options menu
  • 'tab'...........enter options menu / switch tabs in options menu
  • 'p'.............pause
  • 'b'.............debug stats
  • arrows..........move
  • ctrl............pull blocks
  • 'r'.............restore screen / resized terminal

For Best Results

  • Terminal Emulator Ranking
    • xfce4-terminal - Liberation Mono - Tango Color Scheme
    • guake - Liberation Mono - Tango Color Scheme
    • gnome-terminal - Liberation Mono - Tango Color Scheme
    • konsole
    • xterm
    • "uxterm" (lxterm)
    • "Terminator" (x-terminal-emulator)

Most terminals have profiles you can create for individual applications.

  • Font Ranking
    • Liberation Mono (closest to original)
    • Noto Mono
    • WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono
    • Free Mono (this is good in Gnome-terminal)
    • Ubuntu Mono
    • DeJaVu Sans Mono
    • Tlwg Mono looks . . . interesting
  • Alter font sizes for varied results
  • Run in a termainal that can:
    • change font size (changes board size)
    • change font
    • change color schemes
    • make user profiles

File Tweaks

Edit these settings in the beast.py file to change the game. (These settings might be added to an options menu in the future.

  • lcd_time
    • change this if there are issues with flickering or player speed
    • lower (faster) than .02 is usually counter-productive
    • higher (slower) than .07 makes for clunkly gameplay

Advanced Tweaks

  • use xset to change keyboard delay