
A LaTeX based calendar

Primary LanguageTeXCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ

For usage see the example files »tikz-kalender-example1.tex«, »tikz-kalender-example2.tex«, and »*.events«. See also my Git repository. The Code is inspired by this document and has the »Creative Commons attribution license (CC-BY-SA)«.

The class »tikz-kalender« requires the package »tikz« and the tkiz libraries »calc« and »calendar«.

Short Description

Keys for the macro \setup


  • year=year of the calendar
  • yearText=text for the year (default: 4-digit current year)
  • title=title of the calendar
  • events=list of files with events or periods (without the ending .events)
  • showweeknumbers=true or empty or false (showing the number of the week)
  • lang=language for marking (option passed to package babel)
  • paper=papersize abbreviation (understandable by package geometry; default: a4)
  • print=true or empty or false (printer-friendly orientation for double-side printing; default: false)
  • xcoloroptions=options (passed to package xcolor; default: svgnames)
Color definitions
  • titleColor=... (default: dark)
  • eventColor=... (default: medium)
  • periodColor=... (default: period)
  • monthBGcolor=... (background; default: dark)
  • monthColor=... (default: white)
  • workdayColor=...
  • saturdayColor=... (default: bright)
  • sundayColor=... (default: medium)

The default colors:

  • dark: {HTML}{A57C00}
  • medium: dark!35
  • bright: dark!20
  • period: gray!30
Font definitions
  • titleFont=...
  • yearFont=...
  • monthFont=...
  • dayFont=...
  • dayNbFont=...
  • weekNbFont=...
  • eventFont=...
  • titleFont={\fontsize{1.2em}{1.2em}}
  • yearFont={\itshape}
  • titleColor=IndianRed3 (required xcoloroptions={x11names})

Macros \event and \period inside of events files

  • \event{\year-10-09}{John Lennon (1940)}; uncolored every year event

  • \event*{2016-03-27}{Ostersonntag}; event colored with the color defined by the key eventColor (general holiday)

  • \event*{2016-07-10}{Fußball-EM: Endspiel}[color=DarkTurquoise]; colored event with a special color

  • \period{2016-12-23}{2017-01-03}; period colored with the color defined by the key periodColor

  • \period{2016-02-01}{2016-02-06}[color=LightGreen]; period colored with a special color

  • \period{2016-09-12}{2016-10-04}[color=red!30,name=Urlaub]; named period colored with a special color

Rolf Niepraschk, 2018-04-01