
Sample application for Android Bootstrap

Primary LanguageJava


alt text

Getting Started

Download the sample project and open it with Android Studio. For further information and examples please look at the library source or wiki:

If you have any questions, issues, or just want to let us know where you're using Android Bootstrap tweet us at @BeardedHen, email support@beardedhen.com, or head over to our website to see more of our creations.


Check out the AndroidBootstrapTest project. Inside activity_main.xml you will find examples of how to achieve the following buttons:

Bootstrap Buttons

alt text

Rounded Bootstrap Button

alt text


alt text


alt text


alt text

Font Awesome Text

alt text


alt text

Rounded Edit text alt text

Thumbnail Square alt text

Thumbnails Rounded alt text

Thumbnails Rounded alt text

Circle Thumbnails alt text

Circle Thumbnails Minimal alt text