- akidburn
- bobtsanghong kong
- caguerraPUCP
- cmplopesPortugal
- ConservedCharge
- dpettasBETA CAE Systems
- eemailme
- elbatiston
- eusojk
- fixxxr
- giacrossi
- IOThomasResearch Software Engineer
- IrviseMadrid, Spain
- jhcloos
- kafadancompilerAnkara YB University
- ksfengjia
- ladcRoyal Meteorological Institute
- luogyong
- MalenkiyRobotics
- mihaimaruseacGoogle
- milancurcic@wavesgroup @sustain-lab @cloudruninc @henetwave @fortran-lang
- nichannah
- padamson
- rakhmadRedhat
- ratnaniaUM6P
- rouson@BerkeleyLab @SourceryInstitute @Archaeologic-Inc
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- tjz2026Institute of theoretical physics, University of Goettingen
- tomhanikaUniversity of Hildesheim
- victorsndvgSantiago de Compostela
- vitesh13AMAG Rolling GmbH
- vrcmr
- vvshashkinG.I. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
- zodiacfireworks@dynovaio, @softbutterfly, @PCPUNMSM, @HackSpacePeru