
customer visualization for splunk using echarts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Installation and Build

Customer visualization for splunk using echarts, to install the app, run below commands:

cp echarts_app $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps
cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/echarts_app/appserver/static/visualizations
npm install
npm run build


Sample data can be found in the echarts_app/samples folder, add those data into Splunk and try following visualizations.


  • SPL
      | table country, wine_servings,  beer_servings, spirit_servings,total_litres_of_pure_alcohol 
      | head 5
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = Single Axis
  • Single Axis -> Axis Binding = 0 (country)
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Pie
  • Data Series -> Data Color Binding = 1 (wine_servings)

Single Axis Scatter

  • SPL
      | table country, wine_servings,  beer_servings, spirit_servings, total_litres_of_pure_alcohol 
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = Single Axis
  • Single Axis -> Axis Binding = 0 (country)
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Scatter
  • Data Series -> Data Color Binding = 1 (wine_servings)

Column Chart

  • SPL
      | table country, wine_servings,  beer_servings, spirit_servings, total_litres_of_pure_alcohol 
      | head 10
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = X-Y
  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Binding = 0 (country)
  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Type = Category
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Binding = 1,2 (wine_servings, beer_servings)
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Type = Value
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Bar Click the tool box to switch between stack and non-stack mode Change Data Series -> Data Type = Line to get Line chart Change Data Series -> Show Area = True/False to swithc between Area/Line chart

Switch X-Y binding to get bar chart from column chart

  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Binding = 1,2 (wine_servings, beer_servings)
  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Type = Value
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Binding = 0 (country)
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Type = Category

Scatter Plot

  • SPL
      | table country, wine_servings,  beer_servings, spirit_servings, total_litres_of_pure_alcohol 
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = X-Y
  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Binding = 1 (wine_servings)
  • X-Y Axis -> X-Axis Type = Value
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Binding = 2 (beer_servings)
  • X-Y Axis -> Y-Axis Type = Value
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Scatter Add color binding with
  • Data Series -> Data Color Binding = 3 (spirit_servings) Add size binding with
  • Data Series -> Data Size Binding = 4 (total_litres_of_pure_alcohol)


  • SPL
      | table country, wine_servings,  beer_servings, spirit_servings, total_litres_of_pure_alcohol 
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = Geomap
  • Geomap -> Map Type = World
  • Geomap -> Geo Naming Binding = 0 (country)
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Map
  • Data Series -> Data Color Binding = 1 (wine_servings)

Scatter on Geomap

  • SPL
      source="police_killings.csv" | table latitude,longitude,p_income
  • Coordinates -> Coordinates Type = Geomap
  • Geomap -> Map Type = USA
  • Geomap -> Longitude and Latitude Binding = 1,0 (longitude,latitude)
  • Data Series -> Data Type = Scatter
  • Data Series -> Data Color Binding = 2 (p_income) Add size binding
  • Data Series -> Data Size Binding = 2 (p_income)