
Spring MVC + JPA/Hibernate + Apache Tiles + Bootstrap + JQuery Web application

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Web RSS Channels

This project is Spring MVC + JPA/Hibernate Web application.

It contains some useful configuration items:

  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Data Repositories
  • JPA + Hibernate
  • Spring Security
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Apache Tiles
  • Autowired logger
  • Internationalization
  • JQuery + Ajax
  • JQuery validator
  • Sending mail using Spring + Java API
  • Spring profiles

How to run application

## From base directory build app
mvn clean install

## Go to rss-web directory
cd rss-web

## Run tomcat7 server and deploy app
mvn tomcat7:run-war

## In Your browser go to URL address


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