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Wavefront ASP.NET Core SDK travis build status NuGet

This SDK collects out of the box metrics, histograms, and (optionally) traces from your ASP.NET Core application and reports the data to Wavefront. Data can be sent to Wavefront using either the proxy or direct ingestion. You can analyze the data in Wavefront to better understand how your application is performing in production.


Install the NuGet package.

Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package Wavefront.AspNetCore.SDK.CSharp

.NET CLI Console

> dotnet add package Wavefront.AspNetCore.SDK.CSharp


In order to collect HTTP request/response metrics and histograms for your application, you will need to register the Wavefront services that the SDK provides on application startup. This is done in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class.

The steps to do so are as follows:

  1. Create an instance of ApplicationTags: metadata about your application.
  2. Create an instance of IWavefrontSender: low-level interface that handles sending data to Wavefront.
  3. Create a WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter for reporting ASP.NET Core metrics and histograms to Wavefront.
  4. Optionally create a WavefrontTracer for reporting trace data to Wavefront.
  5. Register Wavefront services in Startup. For your ASP.NET Core MVC application, this is done by adding a call to services.AddWavefrontForMvc() in ConfigureServices.

The sections below detail each of the above steps.

1. Set Up Application Tags

Application tags determine the metadata (span tags) that are included with every span reported to Wavefront. These tags enable you to filter and query trace data in Wavefront.

You encapsulate application tags in an ApplicationTags object. See Instantiating ApplicationTags for details.

2. Set Up an IWavefrontSender

An IWavefrontSender object implements the low-level interface for sending data to Wavefront. You can choose to send data to Wavefront using either the Wavefront proxy or direct ingestion.

Note: If you are using multiple Wavefront C# SDKs, see Share an IWavefrontSender Instance for information about sharing a single IWavefrontSender instance across SDKs.

The IWavefrontSender is used by both the WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter and the optional WavefrontTracer.

3. Create a WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter

A WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter object reports metrics and histograms to Wavefront.

To build a WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter, you must specify:

  • An ApplicationTags object (see above)
  • An IWavefrontSender object (see above).

You can optionally specify:

  • A nondefault source for the reported data. If you omit the source, the host name is automatically used.
  • A nondefault reporting interval, which controls how often data is reported to the IWavefrontSender. The reporting interval determines the timestamps on the data sent to Wavefront. If you omit the reporting interval, data is reported once a minute.
// Create WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter.Builder using your ApplicationTags object.
var builder = new WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter.Builder(applicationTags);

// Optionally set a nondefault source name for your metrics and histograms. Omit this statement to use the host name.

// Optionally change the reporting interval to 30 seconds. Default is 1 minute

// Create a WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter using your IWavefrontSender object
WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter wfAspNetCoreReporter = builder.Build(wavefrontSender);

4. Create a WavefrontTracer (Optional)

You can optionally configure a WavefrontTracer to create and send trace data from your ASP.NET Core application to Wavefront.

To build a WavefrontTracer, you must specify:

  • The ApplicationTags object (see above).
  • A WavefrontSpanReporter for reporting trace data to Wavefront. See Create a WavefrontSpanReporter for details. Note: When you create the WavefrontSpanReporter, you should instantiate it with the same source name and IWavefrontSender that you used to create the WavefrontAspNetCoreReporter (see above).
ApplicationTags applicationTags = BuildTags(); // pseudocode; see above
Reporter wavefrontSpanReporter = BuildSpanReporter(); // pseudocode
ITracer tracer = new WavefrontTracer.Builder(wavefrontSpanReporter, applicationTags).Build();

5. Register Wavefront services

For your ASP.NET Core MVC application, add a call to services.AddWavefrontForMvc() in ConfigureServices to enable HTTP request/response metrics and histograms for your controller actions.

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // Register Wavefront instrumentation services for ASP.NET Core MVC

Alternatively, if you have optionally configured a WavefrontTracer to send trace data, make sure to pass it along as a parameter to ``services.AddWavefrontForMvc()`.

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // Register Wavefront instrumentation services and tracing for ASP.NET Core MVC
        services.AddWavefrontForMvc(wfAspNetCoreReporter, tracer);

When registered, the WavefrontTracer generates server-side trace data for all incoming HTTP requests. It also generates client-side trace data and propagates trace information for all outgoing HTTP requests that use HttpClientHandler.

Metrics, Histograms, and Trace Spans collected from your ASP.NET Core application

See the metrics documentation for details on the out of the box metrics and histograms collected by this SDK and reported to Wavefront.