Simple module to find numerically propagation mode profiles and propagation constants of multimode fibers of arbitrary radial index profiles.
- A999358
- amyyuan348
- andrewkatumba
- diamond2nvChina
- ecnumiri
- feykunTurkey
- Ford666Biophotonics Lab, PolyU
- fwhmUniversity of York
- galilleyIAE SB RAS
- geeanloocaQascom
- Gh00stcikREAKTO
- harryhxz1105
- hasantahirUniversity of Glasgow
- horizon-up
- imagineAusername
- JaredHang
- jstoteroLoughborough University
- longqianhZhejiang University
- lorenzifrancesco
- m0ro
- majsylwAstraZeneca
- MrDongZhenyuCalifornia Institute of Technology
- Qzyyyyyy
- RealBrandonChenBioengineering (BME), Georgia Tech
- SeveNOlogy7CN
- shy-311
- ThomasCh666Fresnel Institute - CNRS - Aix-Marseille Univ
- Tianhang-ChengUIUC
- vongostevLomonosov Moscow State University
- wangjingyu7
- wenchelly
- xuezhaonian
- YTWang233
- zhanghao2100319