Pinned Repositories
Atari 5200DS - Emulator for the DSi and above based on Alekmaul's work
Atari 7800 DS Emulator - updated from Alekmaul's original. Striving for accuracy and speed on the venerable DS handheld. Don't expect perfect emulation but things are good enough to enjoy Atari's last major 8-bit console.
A8DS An Atari 8-bit Computer Emulator for the DS/DSi and includes virtually anything the Atari 8-bit computers can run.
ColecoDS - An Emulator for the DS/DSi. Original port by Alekmaul. Phoenix-Edition by Wavemotion with support for Colecovision, ADAM, MSX1, Sord-M5, Memotech MTX, Spectravision SVI, Hanimex Pencil II, Tatung Einstein, SG-1000/SC-3000 and the Creativision.
DS, DSi, XL/LL Emulator Setup
A Texas Instruments TI99/4a Emulator for the DS/DSi. Parsec, Alpiner, Tunnels of Doom and Hunt the Wumpus - all the classic TI games the way you remember them on your venerable handheld.
Nintellivision - an Intellivision Emulator for the DS/DSi. High compatibility, custom overlay support, high score saving, tons of input mapping - all the quality of life improvements you need!
Atari 2600 emulator for DS (original code by AlekMaul). This is the PHOENIX EDITION which brings greater speed, compatibility and accuracy to the emulation on the DSi. New features such as instruction manuals and high score support included!
wavemotion-dave's Repositories
ColecoDS - An Emulator for the DS/DSi. Original port by Alekmaul. Phoenix-Edition by Wavemotion with support for Colecovision, ADAM, MSX1, Sord-M5, Memotech MTX, Spectravision SVI, Hanimex Pencil II, Tatung Einstein, SG-1000/SC-3000 and the Creativision.
Nintellivision - an Intellivision Emulator for the DS/DSi. High compatibility, custom overlay support, high score saving, tons of input mapping - all the quality of life improvements you need!
Atari 2600 emulator for DS (original code by AlekMaul). This is the PHOENIX EDITION which brings greater speed, compatibility and accuracy to the emulation on the DSi. New features such as instruction manuals and high score support included!
A Texas Instruments TI99/4a Emulator for the DS/DSi. Parsec, Alpiner, Tunnels of Doom and Hunt the Wumpus - all the classic TI games the way you remember them on your venerable handheld.
A8DS An Atari 8-bit Computer Emulator for the DS/DSi and includes virtually anything the Atari 8-bit computers can run.
Atari 7800 DS Emulator - updated from Alekmaul's original. Striving for accuracy and speed on the venerable DS handheld. Don't expect perfect emulation but things are good enough to enjoy Atari's last major 8-bit console.
Atari 5200DS - Emulator for the DSi and above based on Alekmaul's work
DS, DSi, XL/LL Emulator Setup