
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Waveshare electronic


  • Add a reference for your blocks here
  • Add "icon.png" image (300x200) in the root folder
  • Add "- beta" to the GitHub project description if you are still iterating it.
  • Turn on your automated build on https://travis-ci.org
  • Use "pxt bump" to create a tagged release on GitHub
  • Get your package reviewed and approved https://makecode.microbit.org/packages/approval

Read more at https://makecode.microbit.org/packages/build-your-own



Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit (The metadata above is needed for package search.)

################## #initialization #First use this module need to initialize the module, otherwise the rocker does not work WSJoyStick.JoyStickInit()

################## #Listening button KEY = P, A, B, C, D, E, F,

if (WSJoyStick.Listen_Key(KEY.P)) { #event }

WSJoyStick.onKey(KEY.P, () => { #event })

#example 1: WSJoyStick.onKey(KEY.P, () => { basic.showLeds(. # # # . . # . # . . # # # . . # . . . . # . . .) })

#example 2: if (WSJoyStick.Listen_Key(KEY.P)) { basic.showLeds(. # # # . . # . # . . # # # . . # . . . . # . . .) }

################## #Listening rocker DIR = NONE, U, D, L, R, U_L, U_R, D_L, D_R

if (WSJoyStick.Listen_Dir(DIR.NONE)) {


#example: if (WSJoyStick.Listen_Dir(DIR.NONE)) { images.arrowImage(ArrowNames.North).showImage(0) }

################## #Play Music

#example: WSJoyStick.PlayMusic(262, music.beat(BeatFraction.Whole))