
A command-line tool that delivers mesosphere tooling to the customers

Primary LanguageGo

🔧 dcos-sonic-screwdriver

A tool for all the tools!

DC/OS Sonic Screwdriver is a tool that installs to your desktop various utilities, scripts and other tools that can make your life easier when you are deploying or debugging stuff on DC/OS


Just install the binary in your system:

For Mac OSX

[ "$(curl -L https://github.com/wavesoft/dcos-sonic-screwdriver/releases/download/v0.1.5/sonic-screwdriver.darwin \
  | tee /usr/local/bin/ss | shasum -a256)" == "dff3f13e452996713b41b164968bca8c35b5e559cc42be8a7decef1ddfc40bda  -" ] \
  && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ss \
  || echo 'Invalid Checksum!'

For Linux





Use ss ls to see what tools are available:

~$ ss ls
Available tools in the registry:
 marathon-storage-tool  View and modify Marathon ZK state

Use ss add to install the tool and make it available for use:

~$ ss add marathon-storage-tool
==>  Add marathon-storage-tool
==>  Pulling mesosphere/marathon-storage-tool:1.4.5
1.4.5: Pulling from mesosphere/marathon-storage-tool
Digest: sha256:3bf6ebf419de2a3bb5b8afe5d64d13c43860cb8cb4e7a94e4db59364f0b88c1d
Status: Image is up to date for mesosphere/marathon-storage-tool:1.4.5
👨🏻‍🚀  marathon-storage-tool/1.4.5 has landed!

~$ marathon-storage-tool --zk://marathon-zk-1:2181/marathon

Use ss rm to remove a tool and wipe it's traces:

~$ ss rm marathon-storage-tool
==>  Remove marathon-storage-tool
👨🏻‍🚀  marathon-storage-tool has left the rocket ship!