
A python tool for simplifying collection of measurements over repetitive tasks

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

roBOB (robot-benchmark)


roBob is python automation tool that simplifies the collection of measurements over repetitive tasks, and the automatic creation of reports.

Do you have to run some benchmarks? Do you need to run some tasks over night and collect the numbers? Are you using custom solutions to achieve this? Robob helps you achieve this in every environment! It launches your application on a virtual terminal, starts your application, cralws it's output, collects numbers and creates reports for you!

It uses a powerful, extensible, human-readable YAML ruleset for defining your specifications.

You can learn more on the Wiki Page: https://github.com/wavesoft/robob/wiki


Robob is available on PyPI so you can install it with pip:

pip install robob


To launch a benchmark you only need to specify the path to the specifications file you want to use:

robob benchmarks/mybenchmark.yaml

Robob will collect the results in a CSV file. If robob finds a folder called results in the working directory, it will put the results there. Otherwise it will write them in the current directory.


The following specification file from the Simple Example (https://github.com/wavesoft/robob/wiki/Simple-Example) demonstrates how to use roBob to run iperf between two machines for different window sizes:

# What metrics we will be tracking
  - name: bandwidth
    units: "B/s"

# Which test cases are we going to run
  window_size: [ 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 ]

# Which nodes are involved on this test
  - name: node1
        - class: robob.access.ssh
          username: user
          password: secret

  - name: node2
        - class: robob.access.ssh
          username: user
          key: /path/to/private_key

# What application(s) to start
  - name: iperf_server
    binary: /usr/bin/iperf
    args: [ "-y", "C", "-s", "-w", "${window_size}" ]
    parser: iperf_parser

  - name: iperf_client
    binary: /usr/bin/iperf
    args: [ "-y", "C", "-c", "${remote}", "-w", "${window_size}" ]
    parser: iperf_parser

# How to parse their output
  - name: iperf_parser
    class: robob.parser.split
    separator: ","            # Split on commas
      - col: 8                # Get the 9th column (0=first)
        name: bandwidth       # And put it on the bandwidth metric

# Which streams to open in order to run the test
  - node: node1       # On node 1
    app: iperf_server # Start iperf server

  - node: node2       # On node 2
    app: iperf_client # Start iperf client
    delay: 5s         # After 5 seconds
    # We also need to define the '${remote}' macro
    # to point on the IP address of the server
      remote: "${node.node1.host}"