
IPerf3 executor for running scale-tests

Primary LanguageGo


IPerf3 executor for running scale-tests


You can run pairs of the iperf container in you cluster for creating constant TCP or UDP streams of test data. Each instance can feed it's current observations to a StatsD server.

docker run -it --rm \
    -e STATSD_UDP_HOST=statsd.server.local \
    -e STATSD_UDP_PORT=8125 \
    -e IPERF_SIDE=server \


The following environment variables can (or must) be provided:

Variable Default Description
STATSD_UDP_HOST (Required) The hostname of the STATSD server where to push the metrics.
STATSD_UDP_PORT (Required) The port of the STATSD server where to push the metrics.
STATSD_PREFIX perf.server. The prefix for all metrics emitted by the runner.
IPERF_SIDE (Required) Specify either server or client.
IPERF_HOST The host to either listen to or connect to.
IPERF_PORT 5201 The TCP/UDP port to use for sending traffic through.
IPERF_PARALLEL 1 How many parallel streams to establish.
IPERF_BITRATE 0 Target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited). Default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP, optional slash and packet count for burst mode.
IPERF_UDP no Set to yes to use UDP instead of TCP.
IPERF_EXTRA_ARGS Additional arguments to pass to the iperf3 binary.
RESTART_SCONDS 5 How many seconds to wait before re-starting the client (or server) after it exists.
RESTART_RANDOM_SCONDS 5 Additional randomized number of seconds to wait after the RESTART_SECONDS timeout.


The service is pushing the following metrics to the STATSD endpoint:

Metric Type Units Description
running Counter - Counts how many instances are running. This counter is incremented when IPerf is started and decremented when stopped.
status Gauge - Indicates the status of the process. It's -1 when running or >=0 if exited, having the exit code set in this proprty.
bytes Counter Bytes Counts how many bytes have been sent/received during the last session.
bitrate Gauge Bits/sec Indicates the current throughput.