Bash prompt with support for SCM distrubuted systems: GIT & Mercurial
- Support for GIT
- Support for Mercurial
- Pull and Push indicator
- New, Added, Modificated and Conflicts indicators
- Time on each command
- Return code of last command
- Full path to current working directory
- Indicate in red when running as root
- Create
directory:mkdir -p ~/.bash
cd ~/.bash
- Clone this repository:
git clone scmprompt
- Install into your Bash RC:
echo '. ~/.bash/scmprompt/' >> ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p ~/.bash
git clone ~/.bash/scmprompt
echo '. ~/.bash/scmprompt/' >> ~/.bashrc
exec bash -l
sudo git clone /usr/lib/scmprompt
sudo bash -c "echo '. /usr/lib/scmprompt/' > /etc/profile.d/"
exec bash -l
cd <scmprompt-dir>
git pull