Obico for Klipper on the Creality Sonic Pad

I managed to get Obico running on the Sonic Pad so below are instructions to get it going. You will need to gain root in order to complete these steps. Please be careful as anytime you are using root, there is a chance you could brick the device, if you can't boot into it. Creality has not provided a process to completely flash the device.

This guide was written for folks with prior experience using linux. Only follow this guide if you are comfortable editing files, navigating linux filesystems, and can do your own troubleshooting. This worked for me, but I can't guarantee it will work for you. Please make sure you are on the same firmware before running. This guide assumes you have 1 printer. I have not tested this on a Pad connected to multiple printers. I am using a Ender 5 S1 so I can't guarentee this will work for you and other printers.

If you do run into some trouble, you can restore the device by running the following command:

/usr/share/script/ all

This guide was setup for Sonic Pad firmware V1. 02 Dec. 2022

UPDATE 02-12-23: Updated new section 5.1 to include start script contents. Also, note that if you have upgraded to the latest version of the sonicpad firmware, you should be able to retrieve the root password from the settings menu.

UPDATE 01-29-23:

  • Obico still runs fine with the Jan update of the sonic pad
  • Changed section on Procd to run as cron instead. Found that there needs to be a delay starting obico after moonracker.

At some point I'll look to automate this into a script. This is all hard coded for now. The following are the high level steps:

  1. SSH and get root
  2. Download and configure Obico
  3. Install depedencies
  4. Link printer
  5. Set to Run at Boot

Let's do it!

1. SSH and get root

NOTE - before changing the root password, the latest update of the sonic pad will allow you to retrieve the root password. You won't need to complete the steps below for resetting the root password

1.1 Login to Sonic Pad

ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa creality@<your-ip/hostname>

Password: creality

1.2 Get root

credit to smwoodward for root access method

Edit moonraker init to inject root password update vi /usr/share/moonraker/moonraker/components/

After Line 115 enter the following: await self._execute_cmd("sed -i '/root:$1$kADTkVT0$czwdHve48Tc33myUPXAD/croot:$1$quuqrAVq$XQKBnFkq5J7bJ4AAeJaYg0:19277:0:99999:7:::' /etc/shadow")

1.3 Restart your Sonic Pad

1.4 SSH in as root

ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@<your-ip/hostname>

Password: creality

2. Download and configure Obico

2.1 Get Obico client from github.

cd /usr/share
git clone

2.2 Create moonraker-obico.cfg

cp moonraker-obico.cfg.sample moonraker-obico.cfg

Edit config you copied and change logging path to: /mnt/UDISK/printer_logs/moonraker-obico.log

If you are using a local server version of obico, edit the server url

3. Install depedencies

3.1 Setup python virtual environment to prevent version collisons

   cd /usr/share/moonraker-obico
   virtualenv env
   source env/bin/activate

Verify you are running in the virtual environment.

which python3

Output should be /usr/share/moonraker-obico/env/bin/python3.

3.2 Install required modules from the obico installation kit

Ignore the failure of psutil wheel build. We'll fix that.

pip3 install --require-virtualenv -r requirements.txt

For some reason, I still got errors from module inclusion despite the above so run the following as well:

pip3 install --require-virtualenv requests
pip3 install --require-virtualenv backoff
pip3 install --require-virtualenv sentry_sdk
pip3 install --require-virtualenv bson
pip3 install --require-virtualenv pathvalidate

3.3 Turns out python3-psutil is already installed from opkg. Copy in the psutil module to local env

cp -R /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psutil* /usr/share/moonraker-obico/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/

At this point obico should be ready to roll. Let's now get a printer connected.

4. Link printer

4.1 Retrieve linking code from obico website (or your own server)

Go to and get a code to link your printer.

4.2 Run linking client and enter the code from 4.1

Execute the link app
python3 -m -c /usr/share/moonraker-obico/moonraker-obico.cfg

4.3 Run obico

Before running obico as a service, make sure it runs successfully. Watch for any errors.

Ignore errors on API hit rate limits if using cloud service

To end obico, use ctrl-c

/usr/share/moonraker-obico/env/bin/python3 -m -c /usr/share/moonraker-obico/moonraker-obico.cfg

5. Run at Boot

Now that everything should be running, lets setup Obico to run as a system service at boot Previously I had tried to use procd to start, but found that Obico should run after moonraker is fully up and running. I added a 30 second sleep to ensure that happens, but did not want to delay service start so running as cron seemed best.

5.1 Create start script

create file vi /usr/share/moonraker-obico/

contents of

set -e PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/moonraker-obico
/usr/share/moonraker-obico/env/bin/python3 -m -c /usr/share/moonraker-obico/moonraker-obico.cfg

5.2 Create cron

Run: crontab -e -u root

This will bring up crontab editor using vi. Use vi commands to insert, then wq. you can verify the entry with 'crontab -l'

@reboot sleep 30s && /usr/share/moonraker-obico/

You can reboot and test to see if Obico starts correct. If you want to see if it is running, use ps to check the process: ps | grep obico

there you have it. you should be up and running with obico!