
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Translations

Primary LanguageGo

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop Translations

This repository contains all the files required to translate Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop user interface into any supported language. Reactive Drop(RD) supports all languages which are supported by Steam. You can also translate to an unsupported language but this will only work as a VPK add-on file through workshop.


  • Any unicode plain text editor. E.g. Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code
  • Fork the repository, add your changes in your own fork, and then submit a pull request to merge in your changes.
  • If you have problems using forks or GIT you can submit your translation through the Issues tab by providing an archive.

Directory structure

  • achievements: Steam Achievement descriptions which will be shown on Steams website.
  • platform: Translations for generic source-engine UI ingame eg. the server browser.
  • resource: Game localization files. These are UTF-8 encoded, whereas the files in Alien Swarm Reactive Drop\reactivedrop\resource are UTF-16LE encoded.
  • rich_presence: Online status messages in Steams Friends List.
  • store_page is Steam's store page

How to download the repository

If you are not familiar with using GIT you can download the repository as a ZIP archive and submit it using Issues tab.


Thanks for your interest in the Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop project. When you make a contribution to the project (e.g. create an Issue or submit a Pull Request) (a "Contribution"), Reactive Drop Team wants to be able to use your Contribution to improve the game.

As a condition of providing a Contribution, you agree that:

  • You irrevocably grant anyone the right to use your work under the following license: Creative Commons CC0 Waiver (release all rights, like public domain: legal code)
  • You warrant and represent that the Contribution is your original creation, that you have the authority to grant this license to anyone, and that this license does not require the permission of any third party. Otherwise, you provide your Contribution "as is" without warranties.

How to translate?

File Encoding

Please make sure that your text editor preserves file's encoding. The new files you create need to have same encoding as their English counterpart(e.g. labsmail1_czech.txt needs to be UTF-8 encoded just like labsmail1_english.txt). If you use Notepad++ you can see the file's encoding in the menu Encoding.


Create a copy of file 563560_loc_english.vdf and rename it to your language(e.g. 563560_loc_ukrainian.vdf). Translate the contents of this file similarly to how 563560_loc_ukrainian.vdf is translated.

Tip: Most of achievements are same with Alien Swarm and they were already translated. You can find the translated achievements into for example reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt starting at ASW_KILL_WITHOUT_FRIENDLY_FIRE_NAME.

Mail and News

Create a copy of each mail and news file and rename it to your language sufix(e.g. labsmail1_russian.txt). Translate the contents of each file. See labsmail1_russian.txt as an example.

BaseModUi, CloseCaption, GameUi, ReactiveDrop

In these files(e.g. basemodui_czech.txt) the untranslated strings are indented by two tabs to be easily visible. Translate each indented line and remove the two tabs in front of it.

How to test your translation before submitting it

  • Go into Steam - Library - Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop, right click and choose Properties. In the Language tab select the language you are translating into.
  • Copy your files into respective folders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Alien Swarm Reactive Drop

Got Questions?

Feel free to ask them here. Prefix your question with [Translation] tag.