
App for managing debts between users.

Primary LanguageRuby


To stay even with your friends.


App for managing debts. Have ever forgotten 'how much was it'? Here you can simply create balances with other Users. That allows you to add transactions on the go. In each transaction you can specify how much you lended or borrowed. Users can create unlimited number of balances with the same friend. Each transaction must be confirmed by the other fellow before it gets added to the balance, but when confirmed - it cannot be modified/deleted, so act with great care! Each balance can be deleted when its status is Even. Transactions become deleted together with the balance they correspond to. Users can remove others form their friends list, but only when the overall status with them is Even.

Future TODO

  • Cannot delete balance with pending transactions
  • JS for Balances/Transaction forms
  • Make Transaction - make them not updated if the overall status not changed (when editing, the issuer and receiver is changed together with the :send_money, so the overall status remains, but the transaction IS updated in the DB.)
  • Searchbar
  • Notifications or new actions in brackets in navbar (and on landing page)
  • Pagination with filters
  • Relocation of debts (eg. A owes 5 to B, B 5 to C, C 5 to A => debts are cancelled)
  • Groups sharing one debt

Ruby / Rails version:

3.0.0 / Rails


  • Clone the repo.
  • Install needed gems:
$ bundle install
$ yarn
  • Configure user and password in database.yml if needed.
  • Create and migrate the database:
$ rake db:setup