
CMake/TriBITS logging and more for C++/Fortran

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Logging and terminal stuff with BOTG package management


This package provides the SPDLOG package for logging with a few bell and whistle classes.

  • terminal stuff
    • term::terminal_info: get information like screen width, whether the ostream is a TTY, whether it supports color
    • term::color: inject foreground and background color int terminal output
    • term::progress_bar: a configurable ASCII progress bar (with color!)
  • SPDLOG logging with a progress bar
    • single thread spdlog::progress_logger_mt or
    • multi thread spdlog::progress_logger_st

Demo 1

One of the cool things about the SPDLOG progress_logger is with each call to one of the logging functions (warn, info, error, etc.), the remaining tasks are automatically decremented by one. So you can give an informative message to trigger a progress bar update.

#include "spdlog/progress_logger.hh"

void sleep_ms( int ms )
    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( ms ) );

int main()
    //create a multi-threaded progress logger
    size_t n = 8;
    auto progress = spdlog::progress_logger_mt("demo",n);

    //do a calculation loop
    progress->warn( "Entering a calculation!" );
    for(auto i=1; i<=n-2; ++i)
        sleep_ms( 500 );
        progress->info( "Completed task {}",i );

        //throw an error at task3
        if( i==3 )progress->error("YOU FAIL!");
    sleep_ms( 1000 );
    progress->warn( "Whew! Calculation is over." );

    //go to next line
    std::cerr << "\n";



Demo 2

Alternatively, if you want a little more control, you need to get the corresponding sink for the progress bar. With the sink you can turn off the auto update, then you need to call sink->update yourself.

#include "spdlog/progress_logger.hh"

void sleep_ms( int ms )
    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( ms ) );

int main()
    //create a multi-threaded progress logger
    size_t n = 100; //100 tasks is a way to do 100%
    auto progress = spdlog::progress_logger_mt("demo2",n);

    //get the sink for more fine grained control
    auto sink = spdlog::sinks::progress_sink_mt::instance();
    //IMPORTANT: sink must be same threading level as progress_logger

    //turns off update of -1 task on every message
    sink->set_allow_autoupdate( false );

    //4% setup
    progress->info("Doing setup!");
    sleep_ms( 2000 );
    sink->update( -4 );

    //enter loop (90%)
    for( int i=1; i<=90; ++i )
        sleep_ms( 100 );
        sink->update( -1 ); //do 1% of work

    //6% wrapup
    progress->info("Doing wrapup!");
    sleep_ms( 1000 );
    sink->update( -6 );

    //go to next line
    std::cerr << "\n";

