
A simple docker devbox boilerplate. Using Caddy, PHP-FPM and MySQL

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker DevBox

A super simple docker devbox.

  • Caddy http server
  • MySQL

Getting started.

Edit the values in .env and then run

$ docker-compose up

Obviously you'll need docker installed for this to work and make sure you enter the DOMAIN .env value as a host in your hosts file, point it to

Network Errors

If you're getting network errors when starting the box, edit the IP_RANGE value in your .env file to something else.


A MySQL db will be automatically created based on the value you enter in your MYSQL_DATABASE value in .env


To rewrite requests to index.php add the following to your Caddyfile inside the site definition

rewrite {
    to {path} {path}/ /index.php?{query}