
The wrapper you need for the osu!api v2

Primary LanguagePython

oppy (op.py)

oppy is the wrapper for use on the osu! v2 API. Version 1.0.0

version downloads status


To install please use pip to install oppy

pip install op.py

To install the dev version

git clone https://github.com/waydealphax/oppy
cd oppy
pip install -U .


Usage - User Data

import oppy
import asyncio
client = oppy.Client()
user = client.user_data
async def main():
    data = await user.user(user="peppy", token="a long string") #makes the api request using oppy.Client.user_data.user()
    data.pp, # User PP
    data.id, # User ID
    data.username, # Username
    data.global_rank, # User Global Rank

Usage - Beatmap Data | Lookup

import oppy
import asyncio
client = oppy.Client()
beatmap = client.beatmap_data
async def main():
    data = await beatmap.lookup(beatmap="big black", token="a long string") #makes the api request using oppy.Client.beatmap_data.lookup()
    data.id, # Map ID
    data.artist, # Map song artist
    data.mapper, # Map creator

Usage - Token

import oppy
import asyncio
client = oppy.Client()
tk = client.gen_token
async def main():
    tkn = await tk.gen(client_secret="string", client_id=0) # makes request using oppy.Client.gen_token.gen()
    print(tkn) # Token - I would save this in a file every time you get a new token.

More examples in exmaples/


Feel free to email me at wayde@alphaxdev.xyz or contact me on discord support server https://discord.gg/DAPgevH9EX