This is a multi-box generation app built with venilla javascript and css.


  • User select number of columns from a dropdown.
  • Add box button add a single box to the grid.
  • Reset Button clear the grid.
  • Box grid column size maintains the same throughout.
  • Box index number auto-incrementing.
  • x button at each box for box removal.
  • once remove, the rest of the boxes keep current index and rearranges in grid.

Extra features

  • + Row button adds an row of button based on the column size.
  • + Row button will first fill up an incomplete row before adding another row.
  • - Row button deletes an row of button based on the column size.
  • - Row button will delete the last row despite number of boxes in the row.
  • - Box Retain in locale memory after browser close / refresh.
  • - Number of Boxes Retain in locale memory after browser close / refresh.
  • - Every instance of Boxes Retain in locale memory after browser close / refresh.
  • - Store box keys in an object in localstorage
  • - Text field in boxes