Django Vercel Deployment Setup

This repository contains tools for configuring a Django project for deployment on Vercel. It includes scripts to set up and reverse configurations needed for a smooth deployment process.

Project Overview

This project provides two key scripts:

  1. Configures a Django project for deployment on Vercel. This includes setting debug flags, configuring static files, installing necessary packages, and more.
  2. Reverts changes made by in case you need to undo the configuration. This ensures that your project can return to its previous state if something goes wrong.


To run these scripts, you need to have pyyaml installed. You can install it using:

pip install pyyaml



The config.yaml file contains project configuration settings for the deployment setup. Here's a brief overview of the options:

  • project_name: Specify your Django project name. If left blank, the script will automatically find the project name.
  • set_debug_false: Set to true to configure Django with DEBUG = False.
  • generate_requirements: Set to true to generate a requirements.txt file using pip freeze.
  • configure_static_files: Set to true to configure static files, install Whitenoise, and set up static files storage.
  • configure_database: Set to true to remove SQLite configuration and prepare for a production database.


Running the Setup Script

  1. Ensure config.yaml is configured according to your needs.

  2. Run the setup script:


This script will configure your Django project for deployment on Vercel according to the settings in config.yaml.

Reverting Changes

If you need to revert the changes made by, use the script:


This will undo the changes made during the setup process based on the deployment history.


If you encounter any issues, please open an issue in this repository. We appreciate your feedback and will work to address any problems as quickly as possible.


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or optimizations, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. We encourage you to optimize and enhance the code.

Important Notes

  • Settings Backup: The script will remove the deployment history log once the configuration is reversed. If the reverse process fails, the settings are saved in the same folder for manual recovery.
  • Optimizations: The provided scripts are designed as a starting point. You are encouraged to optimize and adapt them to better fit your specific needs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.