Here, I scaled the train/val/test data using all the dataset rather than using only train dataset. Indeed, it will create a label leak problem to a small extend.
If you feel that you don't want this, please change the class (ChunkSequenceTimefeatureDataLoader
) setting in function torch_timeseries/experiments/
However, I have to emphasize that this will not change the conclusion of this paper, here is a result clip if you scale using only the training data:
FAN: 0.37903
SAN: 0.38818
RevIN: 0.40132
This is the offcial repository of paper "Frequency Adaptive Normalization For Non-stationary Time Series Forecasting"
ETTh1, ETTh2, ETTm1, ETTm2, ExchangeRate, Weather, Electricity will be downloaded automatically
- to run our code, Please make sure your python version is >=3.8.
- install all the requirements, we assume that you have installed torch according to your environment
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Please first source this script:
source ./
or manually add this directory to your PATHONPATH environment variable
export PYTHONPATH=./
Please change the settings in the following for what you need.
# running FAN using FEDformer backbone with output length 96, 168, 336, 720 on dataset Electricity Traffic with input window 96, and hyperparameter k = 4
./scripts/ "FEDformer" "FAN" "Electricity Traffic " "96 168 336 720" "cuda:0" 96 "{freq_topk:4}"
Please change the settings in the following for what you need.
# running all baselines~(DLinear backbone) with output length 96, 168, 336, 720 on dataset ETTm1 ETTm2 with input window 96
./scripts/ "DLinear" "No RevIN SAN DishTS" "ETTm1 ETTm2" "96 168 336 720" "cuda:0" 96
- download the results folder for the checkpoints.
- run the corresponding command to evaluate the results, for example:
# run FAN with K=2 on ExchangeRate L=96 H=96
./scripts/ "DLinear" "FAN" "ExchangeRate " "96" "cuda:0" 96 "{freq_topk:2}"
run the following command to run the z-score ablation experiments:
# evaluate with z-score reverse scale
./scripts/ "DLinear" "FAN" "Traffic " "96" "cuda:0" 96 "{freq_topk:30}"
# run with no z-score
./scripts/ "DLinear" "No" "Traffic " "96" "cuda:0" 96 "{freq_topk:30}" "NoScaler"