
Style templates for console.log

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Tags Doc

Style templates for console.log.


This module is primarily intended for Deno and browsers.

import { sttyl } from "https://deno.land/x/sttyl@1.0.4/mod.ts";
// Basic
  ...sttyl`Hello, here is some ${"RED"}.b.i.red.u//&${"YELLOW"}.yellow/ text.`,
    and: "some args",
    more: "and some more args",
// Dynamic Styles
const style1 = ".b.i.cyan.u/";
const style2 = ".b.green/";
  ...sttyl`...and some ${"dynamically"}${style1} ${"styled"}${style2} text.`,
// Custom Styles
const styles = {
  s1: `color: magenta; font-weight: bold`,
  s2: `color: orange; font-style: italic`,
const myStyle = sttyl.with(styles);
  ...myStyle`...and ${"text"}.s1/ ${"with custom style names"}.s2.u/.`,


The code above should output something like this:

Image of console text output styled with sttyl

Browser Usage

The usage above works in modern browsers.

Install with npm install sttyl or yarn add sttyl and modify import to:

import sttyl from "sttyl";

Default Styles

When you pass your custom styles into sttyl.with(), they are combined with and can override all of the defaultStyles shown below.

const defaultStyles: Record<string, string> = {
  // #region Colors
  black: "color: black",
  blue: "color: blue",
  cyan: "color: cyan",
  gray: "color: gray",
  green: "color: green",
  grey: "color: grey",
  magenta: "color: magenta",
  red: "color: red",
  white: "color: white",
  yellow: "color: yellow",
  // #endregion
  // #region Formatting
  b: "font-weight: bold",
  bold: "font-weight: bold",
  i: "font-style: italic",
  italic: "font-style: italic",
  s: "text-decoration: line-through",
  strike: "text-decoration: line-through",
  u: "text-decoration: underline",
  underline: "text-decoration: underline",
  // #endregion