
AI assistant for Salesforce Users

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ForceGPT: AI Asssitant for Salesforce users

ForceGPT is tool that harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT models to seamlessly perform tasks in Salesforce based on natural language user expressions. This tool is capable of executing tasks, generating new tasks based on the results, and dynamically prioritizing them in real-time.

Watch the intro video here - https://www.rsforce.net/post/forcegpt-your-true-salesforce-assistant

🚀 Features

  • 🌐 Executes actions on salesforce.
  • Dynamic task creation and prioritization.
  • Debug Logs.
  • Addition of new components support is easy and extensible.

Use cases

This is in highly prototype phase and currently supports following few use cases:

  1. 🔍 Performs query against salesforce from natural language user input.
  2. 💾 Updates custom metadata type and custom fields
  3. Deletes Apex debug logs.
  4. describes sobject.
  5. 🧠 Generates and executes apex. If you can craft a clear question, you can acheive almost anything from here.

☠️ This is in prototype phase and not meant for production use yet ☠️


OpenAI API Key

  1. Get your OpenAI API key from: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.
  2. It is strongly recommended to setup a monthly budget.

Setting up Heroku

Install the application by clicking the button below:


This will automatically create an app with desired addons and features.

Heroku App Configuration

  1. From your app dashboard, navigate to the settings page.
  2. Click 'Reveal Config vars'.
  3. Input the API key under OPENAI_API_KEY variable.
  4. If you do not want the debug logs to be sent to LLM(ChatGPT), set the BEAUTIFY_DEBUG_LOGS to false.

Setting up Salesforce

  1. Install the unmanaged package - https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tDn0000006uR2
  2. Update the Named credential.
    1. From setup, navigate to the named credential.
    2. Open 'Force GPT'. This is a legacy one as no authentication is involved.
    3. Edit the endpoint and substitue your heroku app name created in previous step.
  3. Navigate to the tab 'ForceGPT'.
  4. Enjoy tasking!

💖 Help Fund ForceGPT's Development 💖

Spare us a coffee! If you'd like to sponsor this project and have your avatar or company logo appear below click here.

⚠️ Limitations

This is an experimental project that aims to demonstrate the capabilities of LLMs.

  1. As it is not trained in any org data and chatGPT is a general LLM, use API names for all the components to acheive the desired result.
  2. It currently uses gpt-3.5-turbo, which is not as accurate as GPT-4 model. So if it produces any unexpected result, try asking the same thing again.
  3. If the component or command is not supported, then it answers the questions as a general Question Answering.
  4. The database model used to store the user query and response has the primary key of salesforce user Id. Hence if multiple users use the same salesforce user to chat with same app, then there will be inconsistencies.


  1. Any data that is queried from salesforce remain at the tool level and not exposed to the LLM. The debu logs that are summarized as part of Apex execution can be turned down by a setting.
  2. User inputs are fed into the LLM.



  1. Use GPT-4 model for better accuracy.
  2. Display user friendly responses in Salesforce UI.
  3. Use the LLM to generate tasks.
  4. Enrich the NodeJs app to output debug information to salesforce.
  5. Memory management and vector search.
  6. Utilize full power of LangChain AI
  7. Better error handling.


  1. Fine-tune a base model for salesforce specific tasks - all of th above tasks.

🛡 Disclaimer

This project, ForceGPT, is an experimental application and is provided "as-is" without any warranty, express or implied. By using this software, you agree to assume all risks associated with its use, including but not limited to data loss, system failure, or any other issues that may arise.

The developers and contributors of this project do not accept any responsibility or liability for any losses, damages, or other consequences that may occur as a result of using this software. You are solely responsible for any decisions and actions taken based on the information provided.

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  1. Bug Reports and Feature Requests: Help us improve the project by reporting bugs and suggesting new features. Visit our issue tracker to submit your findings or ideas.

  2. Code Contributions: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we welcome code contributions of all sizes. Check out the open issues and pick one that interests you. If you have an idea for an improvement, feel free to submit a pull request.

  3. Documentation: Clear and comprehensive documentation is crucial for any project's success. Help us improve our documentation by fixing errors, adding examples, or writing new sections.

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Ready to jump in and contribute? Feel free to reach out to us through following platforms:

  • Discord - will be shared soon
  • Email - will be shared soon
  • Telegram - will be shared soon

Thank you for considering joining us in maintaining this open source project. Together, we can create something amazing!

Happy coding!