Auto download subtitles from streaming services, such as Apple TV+, CatchPlay, Crunchyroll, Disney+, FridayVideo, HBO GO Asia, iQIYI, iTunes, KKTV, LINE TV, meWATCH, MyVideo, NowE, NowPlayer, Viki, Viu, WeTV, YouTube, and etc.
- 0
- 1
Error instaling
#98 opened by maknol - 0
CATCHPLAY 部分動畫的字幕無法順利下載
#102 opened by CoCoLaL - 1
can i get subtitles from peacock?
#78 opened by iamm3u - 0
Wrong coding for some subtitles from VIKI
#101 opened by m0ck69 - 2
Very good program, but Now E subtitle cannot download fully...all I can download from 0:00 to 40:00 around....
#83 opened by Gerrardjamie - 0
wetv 的字幕怎麼下載不了
#100 opened by gprs1234 - 1
- 6
Failed to download subtitles from Disney Plus
#88 opened by rDamascena - 1
- 1
#94 opened by danny740211 - 4
Invaild dash_url, wrong vf! for IQ.com
#92 opened by Rule1311 - 2
Crunchyroll Premium
#96 opened by Cetere - 5
KKTV 日劇單集無法下載字幕
#97 opened by hsiehtsunglung - 1
#95 opened by lyl2dora - 1
#89 opened by danny740211 - 0
Crunchyroll 無法下載字幕
#93 opened by david082321 - 3
#90 opened by CoCoLaL - 3
想請問一下 linetv 下載字幕
#86 opened by gprs1234 - 1
- 1
下载缅甸区 viu报错 字幕下载不全
#87 opened by moyuaa - 1
Viki error
#79 opened by Rule1311 - 1
WETV Error
#81 opened by downftn01 - 2
`cn2an` library raises exception for season names with Arabic numerals (strict mode)
#84 opened by f870103 - 2
#82 opened by gamekingv - 0
dsnp seems to issue new urls to the series now
#80 opened by hifumi121 - 1
Failed to download subtitles Thai from iq.com
#76 opened by Jinni779 - 0
Is it possible to add a mgtv website
#75 opened by moyuaa - 1
- 1
Failed to download subtitles from any site
#74 opened by yuzukiss - 4
- 8
myvideo 有中英字幕,但下載下來只剩中文字幕
#66 opened by danny740211 - 1
#70 opened by senchuanqianxia - 5
- 0
下載viu字幕不全,缺一些集的字幕When downloading subtitles from Viu, some episodes are missing subtitles.
#72 opened by moyuaa - 0
Is it possible to add a viutv website
#69 opened by moyuaa - 9
Hi. I use this Python package via Colab. When I try to download subtitles from Apple TV, sometimes I see only zh-Hant subtitles, even if another subtitles are available.
#67 opened by wayneclub - 44
#65 opened by iqiyiqiyuvr - 1
如何取消Archive subtitles
#64 opened by senchuanqianxia - 2
my video無法下載 KeyError: 'name'
#63 opened by RomaYun323 - 1
Best subtitle downloader!
#62 opened by jwwei1960 - 2
- 1
#60 opened by danny740211 - 1
- 2
#57 opened by gamekingv - 2
viu not working
#56 opened by Jinni779 - 2
#55 opened by gamekingv - 1
Error downloading from Iq.com
#52 opened by Rule1311 - 4
当-slang all的时候不下载
#54 opened by reedoris - 2
#53 opened by reedoris