
HAProxy Stats/Info CLI & Library

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HAProxy CLI Utility & Library

HAProxy Configuration

First be sure to enable the haproxy UDS stats socket in the config then reload:

  stats socket /tmp/haproxy.sock mode 600 level admin
  stats socket ipv4@ level admin
  stats timeout 2m

CLI Usage

Once haproxy is configured and reloaded, collect haproxy stats and/or info as follows:

export HAPROXY_SOCK=/tmp/haproxy.sock
haproxy-cli stats
haproxy-cli info

For using haproxy-cli with BOSH releases see docs/bosh.md

Library Usage

Be sure that the HAPROXY_SOCK environment variable is set and pointing to the location of the HAProxy socket file as described above.

Import the library, if you set the import name to hap then you can name your object that you interact with haproxy.

import (
	hap "github.com/wayneeseguin/haproxy-cli/haproxy"

Create a new haproxy object:

haproxy = &hap.Haproxy{Socket: os.Getenv("HAPROXY_SOCK")}

Then you can gather statistics as a JSON array of statistics K/V objects,

output, err := haproxy.Stats("all")

Or information about the haproxy process as a JSON KV Object,

output, err := haproxy.Info()