First let's create and change into our training working directory,

git clone
cd pgconf2016-steel-elephant-notes

Let's pre-add the vagrant box we'll be using so that we can stand them up in parallel,


You'll have 3 directories centos7-pg-{{N}} that you can cd into and vagrant ssh to. It will have a golang environment setup with consul & vault cloned and built for you to play around with the two technologies. consul join the clusters and run your own vault configured to connect to it.

Eg. you can ssh into the vm's and play around with consul+vault+postgresql:

vagrant ssh

Recommended that you use tmux or screen to manage this task.

If you want to go the freebsd route, modify a few things in the Vagrantfile and use,

export BOX=freebsd/FreeBSD-11.0-CURRENT SSH_SHELL=sh PROVISION_SCRIPT="./scripts/provision-freebsd"
vagrant up
vagrant ssh