
Track Wistia video view percentages in ActiveCampaign

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wistia AC track

Track view percentages of wistia videos in ActiveCampaign as event tracking.

Steps to install.

  1. Enable event tracking in settings->Tracking->Event Tracking and add a videoTrack event
  2. Create a glitch project by clicking here https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remix/wistia-ac. Put in your actid and eventKey in the .env file, you can find these in the Event Tracking settings area.
  3. Add your glitch project created in the step above to the acProxyUrl in the config at the bottom of wistia-ac-track.js.
  4. Place wistia-ac-track.js on any page you want to track wistia videos.
  5. Make sure the link on the page you are tracking contains a url paramater acEmail with the value being an email in your ActiveCampgain account.

Now when a contact watches a video you will see event tracking data and will be able to segment based on this.


  • Ability to customize the script without having to edit it, so we can host it on a CDN.
  • Use the API to turn on and create the videoTrack event
  • Ability to work with contact_ids as well by using the API to query the email address of a contact_id
  • Use the API to tag contacts based on viewing.
  • Optionally get contact id/email through a cookie
  • Create a repo for the glitch project and then use https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remix/clone-from-repo?&REPO_URL=$URL to remix.
  • Instead of using glitch could possibly use a CORS proxy like https://github.com/Zibri/cloudflare-cors-anywhere, though doing that would negate the possibility of working with the API in the future.