Welcome to "qtgrader" The interactive high speed grading assistant Developed by Wayne Piekarski wayne@tinmith.net http://tinmith.net/wayne Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Wayne Piekarski ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an interactive Qt application which I wrote to assist with grading student exams and assigments. There is a big push in academia for making students take multiple choice or single word exams, but these are not suitable for all fields. Sometimes, you need to use a traditional exam where the student is able to write text and draw diagrams, and a human needs to grade it. With a large number of exams, grading a huge stack of exams can be very tedious and time consuming. With qtgrader, this process is simplified and allows you to grade exams quickly and accurately. The first step is to feed all the papers through a scanner. You then load these images into the qtgrader tool, and enter in the number of questions, and which page each question appears on. You can then browse quickly through each page, and jump across students but viewing the same question. So you grade all of question 1, then all of question 2, etc. This allows the human to be consistent amongst all the students. Also, there are shortcut keys to assign grades and jump between pages. You can enter text feedback for each question as well. The tool ensures that all the grades fit within the guidelines, and calculates the totals. Once the process is finished, the tool exports a standard tab delimited .qtg file that can be easily loaded into any spreadsheet. You can also export PDFs for each student, so they can see the grade received for each question, and any feedback from the grader. The qtgrader tool is written in portable C++ using the Qt toolkit, and has been tested on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. It is licensed under the GPLv3 so that it can be shared with the community. I am hoping that others will find this software useful, and that it might be expanded to meet the needs of others. If you are interested in commercialising this tool under a different license, please contact the author Wayne Piekarski to discuss this. If you modify or distribute this code, you need to comply with the terms of the GPLv3, contained in the LICENSE file.