
1Click Automation of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageHCL


1ClickECK was built to rapidly deploy with ease an K8s (AWS EKS/Azure AKS/GCP GKE) cluster, install ECK, and the ES Stack.

Total time from configuration to a fully launched ECK cluster generally should take less than 10 minutes. The automation; 1ClickECK, is idempotent.

1ClickECK currently deploys

  • ECK (Optional)
    • ElasticSearch
    • Kibana
    • License loading (Bring your own ES license)

Does not deploy

  • APM Server
  • Fleet
  • Elastic Maps
  • Enterprise Search






Set a few variables to name your deployment





GCP ./gcp/terraform.tfvars

Set username in tags as it append it to the assets deployed

tags = {
    "Owner" = "your email"
    "username" = "superman" #Naming your deployment

Required Arguments

-c [aws|azure|gcp]

-b [all|k8s]



To create AWS EKS and ECK

  ./1ClickECK.sh -b all -c aws

To create EKS

  ./1ClickECK.sh -b k8s -c aws

To create AKS and ECK

  ./1ClickECK.sh -b all -c azure

To create AKS

  ./1ClickECK.sh -b k8s -c azure

To run the automation in the background. Output will be writen to nohup.out.

  nohup ./1ClickECK.sh -b all -c aws &

Once the automation completes, Kibana endpoints along with username and password should be displayed. To retrieve again, simply run


The automation will set your local kubectl manifest. Verify by running

  kubectl get nodes

Tear Down all assets built by the automation

  ./1ClickEckOnEKS.sh -d -c aws

Terraform Variables

The automation requires a few variables to be set in the .[aws|azure]/terraform.tfvars file

Name of your deployment/project
Name of owner
Name which will be appended to the EKS deployment

Any variable found in ./[aws|azure]/variables.tf can be set as an envionrment variable.

export TF_VAR_<variable name>="your value"
export TF_VAR_variable_<list variable type>='["value", "value"]'

Envionrment variables and setting variables in terraform.tfvars can be used together. Consider terraform variable order of Precedence: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/values/variables#variable-definition-precedence

Note - Instance and pod count
Instance count = Number of K8s nodes per type (hot/warm/etc))
Pod count = Number of pods per type (hot/warm/etc) which will be deployed on the instance type.

For example you can deploy 4 hot pods on 1 hot K8s instance type.

Variables- Default Values

./[aws|azure]/variables file host all possible variables supported by this deployment.
If a varialble is not present in ./[aws|azure]/terraform.tfvars, the default value will be taken from ./[aws|azure]/variables.tf If default value is not acceptable, set the varialble value in ./[aws|azure]/terraform.tfvars

For example, the default number of es hot instances is 3. That default value is set in ./[aws|azure]/variables.tf. To change this value to 10; in ./[aws|azure]/terraform.tfvars file, set hot_instance_count = 10.

Another example. The default instance type for warm is im4gn.4xlarge. To change this value to im4gn.8xlarge; in ./[aws|azure]/terraform.tfvars file, set warm_instance_type = im4gn.8xlarge.

Word of caution on instance types for node groups (hot, warm, etc). When selecting an instance type, verify the AMI type: AL2_x86_64, AL2_x86_64_GPU, AL2_ARM_64. Instance type must fall withn specific AMI Type.

**Instance types
This deployment only supports DAS, not EBS

Apply ES License

Deployment without a license will use a basic license configuration.
If a ES license is available to you, place it under ./[aws|azure]/create-eck/license and name the license file es-license.json. The deployment will pick up license file

If a license file needs to be applied or changed after deployment, simply run ./[aws|azure]/create-eck/eck-add-license.sh

Pod Configuration

Once EKS is deployed, ES pods will be deployed leveraging resources defined in the K8s manifest. Each node type (master, hot, warm, ml, etc) spec is defined within ./[aws|azure]/variables.tf. Change the pod spec to your desired configuration.

For example


Latest release of ES, if jvm arguments aren't spplied for heap size, half the available memory within the pod will be used for heap. Take this into consideration if the defaults aren't acceptables

ECK/ES Updates

The automation; 1ClickECK, is idempotent. Therefore if updates to ECK or ES have been applied, simple rerun 1ClickECK with the same -b -c arguments

kubectl manifest

Automation will set local kube config (kubectl) after automation run. If local kube config needs to be reset, simple rerun the automation (even if there is no change) to set local kube config.



Pod JVM is requesting more memory than pod limits

exec plugin: invalid apiversion "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1"

The version of K8s does not match kubectl client. Please refer to: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/install-kubectl.html

All automation logs are stored in ./logs

Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable

try: export KUBE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.kube/config