
Example demonstrates building TypeScript & React with Bazel

Primary LanguageStarlark

Bazel TypeScript Examples

Examples demonstrate building TypeScript with Bazel.

Bazel TypeScript NodeJs Yarn


Run bazel query ... to see all available labels.

Run yarn serve to start local dev server with live reload.

Run yarn stat to see file statistic of the repo. It will print number of each file extension.

Setup buidifier

There's a tool from the official buildtool repo called buildifier that can format our bazel files.

  1. Install the bazel VSCode extension
  2. Clone buildtools
  3. Run bazel //buildifier:buildifier to build the buildifier.
  4. Set the path for the buildifier generated from above step in VSCode user setting "bazel.buildifierPath": "private/var/tmp/_bazel_wayou/308cd286b0587bcdbdec05695018ee18/execroot/com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools/bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/buildifier/darwin_amd64_stripped/buildifier"
  5. Enable "editor.formatOnSave": true


  • If all types are discovered then all types need to be included as deps or typescript may error like TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'foo'.
  • If you move the location of a ts_devserver target and try start the server again you may get error that the bazel says cannot load /the/original/path/of/the/server/MF/file. Just run bazel clean --expunge and try rebuild againa. If that's still not work, try change a port for the server and start again.