
Ansible role for data dog agent

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Ansible Datadog Role

Ansible Galaxy Build Status

Install and configure Datadog Agent & checks. Starting with version 2 of this role Datadog Agent version 6 is installed by default (instead of version 5).

Supports most Debian and RHEL-based Linux distributions, and Windows.


ansible-galaxy install Datadog.datadog

Role Variables

Variable Description
datadog_api_key Your Datadog API key.
datadog_site The site of the Datadog intake to send Agent data to. Defaults to datadoghq.com, set to datadoghq.eu to send data to the EU site. This option is only available with agent version >= 6.6.0.
datadog_agent_version The pinned version of the Agent to install (optional, but highly recommended). Examples: 1:6.0.0-1 on apt-based platforms, 6.0.0-1 on yum-based platforms, 6.0.0 on Windows platforms. Note Downgrades are not supported on Windows platforms.
datadog_checks YAML configuration for agent checks to drop into:
- /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/<check_name>.d/conf.yaml for Agent v6.
- /etc/dd-agent/conf.d for Agent v5.
datadog_config Settings to place in the main Agent configuration file:
- /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml for Agent v6
- /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf for Agent v5 (under the [Main] section).
datadog_config_ex Extra INI sections to go in /etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf (optional). Agent v5 only.
datadog_apt_repo Override default Datadog apt repository
datadog_apt_cache_valid_time Override the default apt cache expiration time (default 1 hour).
datadog_apt_key_url_new Override default url to Datadog apt key (key ID 382E94DE ; the deprecated datadog_apt_key_url variable refers to an expired key that's been removed from the role).
datadog_yum_repo Override default Datadog yum repository.
datadog_yum_gpgkey Override default url to Datadog yum key used to verify Agent v5 and Agent v6 (up to 6.13) packages (key ID 4172A230)
datadog_yum_gpgkey_e09422b3 Override default url to Datadog yum key used to verify Agent v6 (from 6.14 upwards) packages (key ID E09422B3)
datadog_yum_gpgkey_e09422b3_sha256sum Override default checksum of the datadog_yum_gpgkey_e09422b3 key.
datadog_zypper_repo Override default Datadog zypper repository.
datadog_zypper_gpgkey Override default url to Datadog zypper key used to verify Agent v5 and Agent v6 (up to 6.13) packages (key ID 4172A230).
datadog_zypper_gpgkey_sha256sum Override default checksum of the datadog_zypper_gpgkey key
datadog_zypper_gpgkey_e09422b3 Override default url to Datadog zypper key used to verify Agent v6 (from 6.14 upwards) packages (key ID E09422B3)
datadog_zypper_gpgkey_e09422b3_sha256sum Override default checksum of the datadog_zypper_gpgkey_e09422b3 key
datadog_agent_allow_downgrade Set to yes to allow Agent downgrades on apt-based platforms (use with caution, see defaults/main.yml for details). On centos this will only work with ansible 2.4 and up.
use_apt_backup_keyserver Set true to use the backup keyserver instead of the default one.
datadog_enabled Set to false to prevent datadog-agent service from starting. Defaults to true
datadog_additional_groups Comma separated list of additional groups for the datadog_user. Linux only.
datadog_windows_ddagentuser_name Name of windows user to create/use, in the format <domain>\<user>. Windows only.
datadog_windows_ddagentuser_password Password to use to create the user, and/or register the service. Windows only.

Agent 5 (older version)

This role includes support for Datadog Agent version 5 for linux only. To install Agent 5, you need to:

  1. Set datadog_agent5 parmeter to true.
  2. Set datadog_agent_version to an existing Agent v5 version or leave it empty to always install the latest version (5.*).

To downgrade from Agent v6 to Agent v5, you need to (on centos this will only work with ansible 2.4 and up):

  1. Set datadog_agent5 to true.
  2. Pin datadog_agent_version to an existing Agent 5 version.
  3. Set datadog_agent_allow_downgrade to yes.


  • datadog_agent5 - Installs agent5 instead of Agent v6 (default to false)
  • datadog_agent5_apt_repo - Overrides default Datadog apt repository for Agent v5.



Configuring a check

To configure a check you need to add an entry to the datadog_checks section. The first level key is the name of the check and the value is the yaml payload to write the configuration file.


Process Check

To define 2 instances for the process check use the configuration below:

          - name: ssh
            search_string: ['ssh', 'sshd' ]
          - name: syslog
            search_string: ['rsyslog' ]
            cpu_check_interval: 0.2
            exact_match: true
            ignore_denied_access: true

This creates the corresponding configuration files:

  • For Agent v6: /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/process.d/conf.yaml
  • For Agent v5: /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/process.yaml

Custom Check

To configure a custom check use the configuration below:

          - some_data: true

This creates the corresponding configuration files:

  • For Agent v6: /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/my_custom_check.d/conf.yaml
  • For Agent v5: /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/my_custom_check.yaml

Autodiscovery Check

There is no pre-processing nor post-processing on the YAML. This means every YAML sections is added to the final configuration file, including autodiscovery identifiers.

The example below configures the PostgeSQL check through autodiscovery:

          - db-master
          - db-slave
          - host: %%host%%
            port: %%port%%
            username: username
            password: password

Learn more about Autodiscovery in the Datadog documentation.

Upgrading an integration

Available for Agent v6.8+

The datadog_integration resource helps you to install specific version of a Datadog integration. Keep in mind the Agent comes with all the integrations already installed. So this command is here to allow you to upgrade a specific integration without upgrading the whole Agent. For more usage information consult the Agent documentation.

Available actions:

  • install: Installs a specific version of the integration.
  • remove: Removes an integration.


      action: <ACTION>
      version: <VERSION_TO_INSTALL>


This example installs version 1.11.0 of the ElasticSearch integration and removes the postgres integration.

     action: install
     version: 1.11.0
     action: remove

In order to get the available versions of the integrations, please refer to their CHANGELOG.md file in the integrations-core repository.

Example Playbooks

Sending data to Datadog US (default) and configuring a few checks.

- hosts: servers
    - { role: Datadog.datadog, become: yes }
    datadog_api_key: "123456"
    datadog_agent_version: "1:6.8.0-1" # for apt-based platforms, use a `6.8.0-1` format on yum-based platforms
        - env: dev
        - datacenter: local
      log_level: INFO
        enabled: true
        max_traces_per_second: 10
      logs_enabled: true  # log collection is available on agent 6
          - name: ssh
            search_string: ['ssh', 'sshd' ]
          - name: syslog
            search_string: ['rsyslog' ]
            cpu_check_interval: 0.2
            exact_match: true
            ignore_denied_access: true
          - host: localhost
            port: 22
            username: root
            password: changeme
            sftp_check: True
            add_missing_keys: True
          - nginx_status_url: http://example.com/nginx_status/
              - source: nginx
              - instance: foo
          - nginx_status_url: http://example2.com:1234/nginx_status/
              - source: nginx
              - instance:bar

        #Log collection is available on agent 6
          - type: file
            path: /var/log/access.log
            service: myapp
            source: nginx
            sourcecategory: http_web_access
          - type: file
            path: /var/log/error.log
            service: nginx
            source: nginx
            sourcecategory: http_web_access
    # datadog_integration is available on agent 6.8+
        action: install
        version: 1.11.0
        action: remove
      enabled: true

Example for sending data to EU site:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: Datadog.datadog, become: yes }
    datadog_site: "datadoghq.eu"
    datadog_api_key: "123456"


To enable APM with Agent v6 use the following configuration:

        enabled: true

To enable APM with agent v5 use the following configuration:

    apm_enabled: "true" # has to be a string

Process Agent

To control the behavior of the Process Agent, use the enabled variable under the datadog_config field. It has to be set as a string and the possible values are: true, false (for only container collection) or disabled (to disable the Process Agent entirely)


The following variables are available for the Process Agent:

  • scrub_args: Enables the scrubbing of sensitive arguments from a process command line. Default value is true.
  • custom_sensitive_words: Expands the default list of sensitive words used by the cmdline scrubber.

System Probe

The network performance monitoring system probe is configured under the system_probe_config variable. Any variables nested underneath will be written to the system-probe.yaml.

Currently, the system probe only works on Linux with the Agent 6 version and beyond.

Example of configuration

    enabled: "true" # has to be set as a string
    scrub_args: true
    custom_sensitive_words: ['consul_token','dd_api_key']
  enabled: true
  sysprobe_socket: /opt/datadog-agent/run/sysprobe.sock

Agent 5

To enable/disable the Process Agent on Agent 5, you need to set on datadog_config the process_agent_enabled parameter to true/false.

Set the available variables inside process.config under the datadog_config_ex field to control the Process Agent's features.

Example of configuration

  process_agent_enabled: true
    scrub_args: true
    custom_sensitive_words: "consul_token,dd_api_key"

Additional tasks

pre_tasks and post_tasks folders allow to run user defined tasks. pre_tasks for tasks to be executed before executing any tasks from the Datadog role and post_tasks for those to be executed after.

Known Issues and Workarounds

On Debian Stretch, the apt_key module that the role uses requires an additional system dependency to work correctly. Unfortunately that dependency (dirmngr) is not provided by the module. To work around this, you can add the following configuration to the playbooks that make use of the present role:

- hosts: all
    - name: Debian Stretch requires dirmngr package to be installed in order to use apt_key
      become: yes  # On Ansible < 1.9, use `sudo: yes` instead of `become: yes`
        name: dirmngr
        state: present

    - { role: Datadog.datadog, become: yes, datadog_api_key: "mykey" }  # On Ansible < 1.9, use `sudo: yes` instead of `become: yes`



Author Information


dustinjamesbrown@gmail.com --Forked from brian@akins.org

Datadog info@datadoghq.com --Forked from dustinjamesbrown@gmail.com