Tensor Puzzles
- by Sasha Rush ( @srush_nlp )
When learning a tensor programming language like PyTorch or Numpy it is tempting to rely on the standard library (or more honestly StackOverflow) to find a magic function for everything. But in practice, the tensor language is extremely expressive, and you can do most things from first principles and clever use of broadcasting.
This is a collection of 16 tensor puzzles. Like chess puzzles these are not meant to simulate the complexity of a real program, but to practice in a simplified environment. Each puzzle asks you to reimplement one function in the NumPy standard library without magic.
- Puzzle 1 - ones.
- Puzzle 2 - sum.
- Puzzle 3 - outer.
- Puzzle 4 - diag.
- Puzzle 5 - eye.
- Puzzle 6 - triu.
- Puzzle 7 - cumsum.
- Puzzle 8 - diff.
- Puzzle 9 - vstack.
- Puzzle 10 - roll.
- Puzzle 11 - flip.
- Puzzle 12 - compress.
- Puzzle 13 - pad_to.
- Puzzle 14 - sequence_mask.
- Puzzle 15 - bincount.
- Puzzle 16 - scatter_add.
- Each can be solved in 1 line (<80 columns) of code.
- You are allowed @, arithmetic, comparison,
, any indexing (e.g.a[:j], a[:, None], a[arange(10)]
), and previous puzzle functions. - Additionally you are allowed these two functions:
import torch
def arange(i: int):
"Think for-loop"
return torch.tensor(range(i))
def where(q, a, b):
"Think if-statement"
return (q * a) + (~q) * b
- Nothing else. No
. - No cheating. Stackoverflow is great, but this is about first-principles.
Running puzzles
Each example, corresponds to a unit test which will randomly try to break your code based on the spec. The spec is written in standard python with lists.
To play, fork this repo,
pip install -r requirements.txt
pytest test_puzzles.py
Alternatively you can play in Colab above or in a notebook on your machine.
If you are runing in a notebook, just uncomment the test for each example. If the test succeeds you will get a puppy.
Test Harness
!pip install -qqq torchtyping hypothesis pytest
from torchtyping import TensorType as TT
from hypothesis.extra.numpy import arrays
from hypothesis.strategies import integers, tuples, composite, floats
from hypothesis import given
import numpy as np
import random
import sys
import typing
size = integers(min_value=1, max_value=5)
tensor = torch.tensor
numpy_to_torch_dtype_dict = {
bool: torch.bool,
np.uint8: torch.uint8,
np.int8: torch.int8,
np.int16: torch.int16,
np.int32: torch.int32,
np.int64: torch.int64,
np.float16: torch.float16,
np.float32: torch.float32,
np.float64: torch.float64,
torch_to_numpy_dtype_dict = {v: k for k, v in numpy_to_torch_dtype_dict.items()}
def spec(draw, x):
names = set()
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
gth = typing.get_type_hints(x, include_extras=True)
gth = typing.get_type_hints(x)
for k in gth:
if not hasattr(gth[k], "__metadata__"):
dims = gth[k].__metadata__[0]["details"][0].dims
names.update([d.name for d in dims if isinstance(d.name, str)])
names = list(names)
arr = draw(tuples(*[size for _ in range(len(names))]))
sizes = dict(zip(names, arr))
ret = {}
for k in gth:
if not hasattr(gth[k], "__metadata__"):
shape = tuple(
sizes[d.name] if isinstance(d.name, str) else d.size
for d in gth[k].__metadata__[0]["details"][0].dims
ret[k] = draw(
if len(gth[k].__metadata__[0]["details"]) >= 2
else int,
ret[k][ret[k] > 1000] = 1000
ret[k][ret[k] < -1000] = -1000
ret[k] = np.nan_to_num(ret[k], nan=0, neginf=0, posinf=0)
ret["return"][:] = 0
return ret, sizes
def make_test(problem, problem_spec, add_sizes=[], constraint=lambda d: d):
def test_problem(d):
d, sizes = d
d = constraint(d)
out = d["return"].tolist()
del d["return"]
problem_spec(*d.values(), out)
for size in add_sizes:
d[size] = sizes[size]
out2 = problem(*map(tensor, d.values()))
out = tensor(out)
out2 = torch.broadcast_to(out2, out.shape)
assert torch.equal(
out, out2
), "Two tensors are not equal\n Spec: \n\t%s \n\t%s" % (out, out2)
return test_problem
def run_test(fn):
# Generate a random puppy video if you are correct.
from IPython.display import HTML
pups = [
return HTML("""
<video alt="test" controls autoplay=1>
<source src="https://openpuppies.com/mp4/%s.mp4" type="video/mp4">
"""%(random.sample(pups, 1)[0]))
Puzzle 1 - ones
Compute ones - the vector of all ones.
def ones_spec(out):
for i in range(len(out)):
out[i] = 1
def ones(i: int) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_ones = make_test(ones, ones_spec, add_sizes=["i"])
# run_test(test_ones)
Puzzle 2 - sum
Compute sum - the sum of a vector.
def sum_spec(a, out):
out[0] = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
out[0] += a[i]
def sum(a: TT["i"]) -> TT[1]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_sum = make_test(sum, sum_spec)
# run_test(test_sum)
Puzzle 3 - outer
Compute outer - the outer product of two vectors.
def outer_spec(a, b, out):
for i in range(len(out)):
for j in range(len(out[0])):
out[i][j] = a[i] * b[j]
def outer(a: TT["i"], b: TT["j"]) -> TT["i", "j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_outer = make_test(outer, outer_spec)
# run_test(test_outer)
Puzzle 4 - diag
Compute diag - the diagonal vector of a square matrix.
def diag_spec(a, out):
for i in range(len(a)):
out[i] = a[i][i]
def diag(a: TT["i", "i"]) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_diag = make_test(diag, diag_spec)
# run_test(test_diag)
Puzzle 5 - eye
Compute eye - the identity matrix.
def eye_spec(out):
for i in range(len(out)):
out[i][i] = 1
def eye(j: int) -> TT["j", "j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_eye = make_test(eye, eye_spec, add_sizes=["j"])
# run_test(test_eye)
Puzzle 6 - triu
Compute triu - the upper triangular matrix.
def triu_spec(out):
for i in range(len(out)):
for j in range(len(out)):
if i <= j:
out[i][j] = 1
out[i][j] = 0
def triu(j: int) -> TT["j", "j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_triu = make_test(triu, triu_spec, add_sizes=["j"])
# run_test(test_triu)
Puzzle 7 - cumsum
Compute cumsum - the cumulative sum.
def cumsum_spec(a, out):
total = 0
for i in range(len(out)):
out[i] = total + a[i]
total += a[i]
def cumsum(a: TT["i"]) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_cumsum = make_test(cumsum, cumsum_spec)
# run_test(test_cumsum)
Puzzle 8 - diff
Compute diff - the running difference.
def diff_spec(a, out):
out[0] = a[0]
for i in range(1, len(out)):
out[i] = a[i] - a[i - 1]
def diff(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_diff = make_test(diff, diff_spec, add_sizes=["i"])
# run_test(test_diff)
Puzzle 9 - vstack
Compute vstack - the matrix of two vectors
def vstack_spec(a, b, out):
for i in range(len(out[0])):
out[0][i] = a[i]
out[1][i] = b[i]
def vstack(a: TT["i"], b: TT["i"]) -> TT[2, "i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_vstack = make_test(vstack, vstack_spec)
# run_test(test_vstack)
Puzzle 10 - roll
Compute roll - the vector shifted 1 circular position.
def roll_spec(a, out):
for i in range(len(out)):
if i + 1 < len(out):
out[i] = a[i + 1]
out[i] = a[i + 1 - len(out)]
def roll(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_roll = make_test(roll, roll_spec, add_sizes=["i"])
# run_test(test_roll)
Puzzle 11 - flip
Compute flip - the reversed vector
def flip_spec(a, out):
for i in range(len(out)):
out[i] = a[len(out) - i - 1]
def flip(a: TT["i"], i: int) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_flip = make_test(flip, flip_spec, add_sizes=["i"])
# run_test(test_flip)
Puzzle 12 - compress
Compute compress - keep only masked entries (left-aligned).
def compress_spec(g, v, out):
j = 0
for i in range(len(g)):
if g[i]:
out[j] = v[i]
j += 1
def compress(g: TT["i", bool], v: TT["i"], i:int) -> TT["i"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_compress = make_test(compress, compress_spec, add_sizes=["i"])
# run_test(test_compress)
Puzzle 13 - pad_to
Compute pad_to - eliminate or add 0s to change size of vector.
def pad_to_spec(a, out):
for i in range(min(len(out), len(a))):
out[i] = a[i]
def pad_to(a: TT["i"], i: int, j: int) -> TT["j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
test_pad_to = make_test(pad_to, pad_to_spec, add_sizes=["i", "j"])
# run_test(test_pad_to)
Puzzle 14 - sequence_mask
Compute sequence_mask - pad out to length per batch.
def sequence_mask_spec(values, length, out):
for i in range(len(out)):
for j in range(len(out[0])):
if j < length[i]:
out[i][j] = values[i][j]
out[i][j] = 0
def sequence_mask(values: TT["i", "j"], length: TT["i", int]) -> TT["i", "j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
def constraint_set_length(d):
d["length"] = d["length"] % d["values"].shape[1]
return d
test_sequence = make_test(
sequence_mask, sequence_mask_spec, constraint=constraint_set_length
# run_test(test_sequence)
Puzzle 15 - bincount
Compute bincount - count number of times an entry was seen.
def bincount_spec(a, out):
for i in range(len(a)):
out[a[i]] += 1
def bincount(a: TT["i"], j: int) -> TT["j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
def constraint_set_max(d):
d["a"] = d["a"] % d["return"].shape[0]
return d
test_bincount = make_test(
bincount, bincount_spec, add_sizes=["j"], constraint=constraint_set_max
# run_test(test_bincount)
Puzzle 16 - scatter_add
Compute scatter_add - add together values that link to the same location.
def scatter_add_spec(values, link, out):
for j in range(len(values)):
out[link[j]] += values[j]
def scatter_add(values: TT["i"], link: TT["i"], j: int) -> TT["j"]:
assert False, 'Not implemented yet.'
def constraint_set_max(d):
d["link"] = d["link"] % d["return"].shape[0]
return d
test_scatter_add = make_test(
scatter_add, scatter_add_spec, add_sizes=["j"], constraint=constraint_set_max
# run_test(test_scatter_add)