
Control Nextion displays using MicroPython

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MicroPython Nextion library

Downloads Release MicroPython License: MIT

MicroPython Nextion library


Ported library to interact with Nextion serial displays, based on the ITEAD Arduino Nextion library.


Install required tools

Python3 must be installed on your system. Check the current Python version with the following command

python --version
python3 --version

Depending on which command Python 3.x.y (with x.y as some numbers) is returned, use that command to proceed.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt


Install package with upip

Connect the MicroPython device to a network (if possible)

import network
station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
station.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD')

and install this lib on the MicroPython device like this

import upip

Install package with mip

Starting with v1.20.0 Micropython switched from upip to mip for package management. Details can be found in their release notes.

A package.json file is provided to facilitate installation using mip.

Connect the MicroPython device to a network (if possible)

import network
station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
station.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD')

and install this lib on the MicroPython device using the new mip package manager

import mip
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-nextion", version="develop")


Upload files to board

Copy the module to the MicroPython board and import them as shown below using Remote MicroPython shell

Open the remote shell with the following command. Additionally use -b 115200 in case no CP210x is used but a CH34x.

rshell --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --editor nano

Perform the following command inside the rshell to copy all files and folders to the device

mkdir /pyboard/lib
mkdir /pyboard/lib/nextion

cp nextion/* /pyboard/lib/nextion

cp examples/basic/main.py /pyboard
cp examples/boot.py /pyboard

Install additional MicroPython packages

To use this package with the provided boot.py and one of the main.py files of an example subfolder, the additional module ulogging is required.

Either install the required package(s) using upip as follows after connecting to a WiFi network:

# network connection already established

import upip

or copy it manually to the MicroPython board using e.g. rshell:

mkdir /pyboard/lib

cp -r libs_external/* /pyboard/lib


Use one of the examples to get started. Read also the examples README to find all supported elements


Big thank you to ITEAD Studio for the implementation of the Arduino library.