
The Agnostic Rails API that powers Draft apps

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Docker Repository on Quay

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Draft Agnostic Rails API

The agnostic Rails API that powers the Draft Chrome extension, Angular web and mobile applications.

Local Installation

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Start MongoDB daemon
  3. Start Redis server
  4. Create your config/secrets.yml config file
  5. Start the Rails server via rails server or rails s


To install Puma:

gem install puma -v '3.6.0' -- --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl


You Should create a file under config directory for your application secrets. It should conform to the following style:

development: &development
  secret_key_base: token

  secret_key_base: token

  <<: *development

github_client_id: token
github_client_secret: token