
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Etherball 🎟

Build Status

HypeCrypto Lotto is a simple lottery dAPP with numerical tickets and a fixed jackpot built for the Ethereum blockchain.


Lotto features:

• Easy to purchase ticket interface (and prevention of duplicate tickets)

• Works with the Metamask wallet and Mist browser

• A simple but functional front-end built with Bootstrap

• Integration with all major Ethereum testnets

• A blockchain-based randomness generator to ensure fairness

• Real-time ether to USD converter

Technologies Used

• Truffle

• Node.js

• TestRPC

• Bootstrap

• Web3


Installing Lotto to use on your machine is simple. First, run

gh repo clone FlightSimCentral/HypeCrypto-Lotto

the repository. Next, navigate to the cloned directory and install the necessary Node.js modules with

npm install

If truffle doesn't install make sure to run

npm install -g truffle

Create and place your 12-word mnemonic private key at the location


You can create a key here: https://iancoleman.io/bip39/

Make sure to set it to 12 words not 15 Do not share it with anyone!

Initialize a local blockchain with

truffle testrpc

and deploy the smart contract with

truffle migrate

Finally, to open the web app,

npm run dev

And to build run

npm run build


• The majority of the code powering the app is located in contracts/Lottery.sol and src/js/app.js - if you'd like to see how the app works in any way, that's probably the place to go.

• The source of randomness for this lottery system comes from a SHA-256 hash taken from the blockchain timestamp and number.

• Feel free to submit a pull request if you have any changes or suggestions to make. :)


This repo is released under the terms of the MIT license. For more information, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

Thanks a lot to the original creator: https://github.com/njaladan this repo is a fixed version of the original repo you can find here 👉 https://github.com/njaladan/Etherball