Microsoft PowerPoint Remote Control for Flic
The Microsoft PowerPoint Remote Control for Flic is a Flic Smart Button plugin that provides Next, Previous, and Black Screen controls for Microsoft PowerPoint on macOS.
Get the Flic App for Mac at
Download powerpointPlugin or create the folder powerpointPlugin in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.shortcutlabs.FlicMac.
In macOS each sandboxed application has a particular folder where script execution is allowed. So, in order for the plugins to work they have to be placed in the folder specified above. Every time the Flic app is launched the application will load each plugin that is placed in this folder. To initialize the plugin manually, select "Plugins I Reload Plugins" in the Flic App for Mac menu bar.
Once initizialized you can use the Flic App for Mac to assign the included actions to your Flic Smart Button gestures, e.g. Click, Double Click, and Hold.