
Three-player variant of ping pong

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Three-player variant of ping pong

Basic rules:

  • Like one-on-one table tennis, played to 21 points (or 11 if you must)
  • The third player begins off to the side as scorekeeper
  • When a player wins a point, he/she remains in play
  • When a player loses a point, he/she trades places with the scorekeeper after the scorekeeper tallies the point
  • The scores belong to the sides of the table, not the individual players
  • Likewise, the current server is determined by the side of the table and not the individual players
  • After each five points scored, serving switches to the other side of the table
  • The scorekeeper is responsible for keeping track of which side serves
  • The winner is the player on the winning side of the table
  • The loser is the player on the losing side of the table
  • The scorekeeper is also a loser

Clarifications for players of Dungeons and Pong:

  • No dribbling
  • One or at most two "self-passes" are acceptable if sufficiently panic-stricken
  • The ball can be served from either quadrant on the server's side of the table, to either quadrant on the receiver's side