
Logging module on GCP, dispatch logs to destination.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GCP Mixed Log

GCP Mixed Log 提供了统一的日志/数据接口, 在开发中代替 Python logging 及 Fluent-logging, 并附加额外信息规范化数据.

Getting started

Installing from PyPI

pip install gcp-mixed-logging

Cloud Logging

使用到了Python 版 Cloud Logging 库, 权限配置参见官方文档

Tips: 在本地和其他位置运行时, 需要使用Service Account或下方Auth说明中的第2种方法.


支持持久化日志转发至 Fluentd 或 Fluent Bit.

Fluentd / Fluent Bit安装方法参见:



class gcp_mixed_logging.MixedLogging

from gcp_mixed_logging import MixedLogging


  • cloudlogging_name: Cloud Loging path
  • is_alive: is alive
method abount
close() 停止接收日志, 缓存中日志写入Cloud Logging / Fluentd
debug(msg) 诊断日志, msg: str or dict
info(msg) msg: str or dict
warning(msg) msg: str or dict
error(msg) msg: str or dict
metric(..) todo
persist(tag, msg) 持久化日志, 转发至Fluent

MixedLogging(module: str, stage: str...)


  • module: str: Module or sub-module name
  • stage: str: stage, dev/test/prod/...
  • fluent_host: str = 'localhost', fluentd host ip or dns
  • fluent_port: int = 24224, fluentd forward port
  • project: str = None, project name, if none, read from default auth
  • scopes: Optional[Collection[str]] = _DEFAULT_SCOPESS, scopes for default auth
  • resource: Resource = _GLOBAL_RESOURCE, resource of cloud logging

debug/info/warning/error(msg: Any)

Send message to Cloud Logging in background thread, append information:

  • labels: module/stage/host
  • jsonPaylod: filename/function/lineno of caller frame Param: msg: Any, text or dict message

persist(tag: str, msg: dict, track: bool = False, track_severity: str = "DEFAULT", **kw)

Foward message to Fluent in background thread, append information:

  • host/timestamps
  • insert_id: increment intger per tag per host


  • tag: str, tag name for fluent
  • msg: dict, payload data in dict type
  • track: bool = False, both track to cloud logging
  • track_severity: str = "DEFAULT", severity of cloud logging


from gcp_mixed_logging import MixedLogging

# using on GCE with local fluent
log = MixedLogging('module', stage='prod')

# using with credential and remote fluent host
log = MixedLogging(
    'module', stage='prod',
    fluent_host='ip or dns', fluent_port=24224,

# cloud logging: plain text
log.debug("this is a debug message")
log.info("this is a info message")
log.warn("this is a warn message")
log.error("this is a error message")

# cloud logging: struct message
    "user": "Mark",
    "age": 25

# fluent:
# 1. time append to log
# 2. send to fluent with tag: 'module-prod.user-info'
log.persist("user-info", {
    "user": "Mark",
    "age": 25

# foward log to fluent and cloud logging
log.persist("user-info", {
    "user": "Mark",
    "age": 25
}, track=True)


Google Auth

Refer to google.auth:

  1. If the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set to the path of a valid service account JSON private key file, then it is loaded and returned. The project ID returned is the project ID defined in the service account file if available (some older files do not contain project ID information).

  2. If the Google Cloud SDK_ is installed and has application default credentials set they are loaded and returned.

    To enable application default credentials with the Cloud SDK run: gcloud auth application-default login

    If the Cloud SDK has an active project, the project ID is returned. The active project can be set using: gcloud config set project

  3. If the application is running in the App Engine standard environment then the credentials and project ID from the App Identity Service are used.

  4. If the application is running in Compute Engine or the App Engine flexible environment then the credentials and project ID are obtained from the Metadata Service.

  5. If no credentials are found, :class:~google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError will be raised.