
A web-based application developed by Udacity which includes a page listing several restaurants, information about those restaurants, and customer reviews; I added several features.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Restaurant Reviews Application

First Stage Restaurant Reviews Application

Project Overview

This is a web-based application developed by Udacity which includes a page listing several restaurants, information about those restaurants, and customer reviews. As an exercise in enhancing responsiveness, providing accessibility features, and employing the use of a service worker, I have:

  • Added additional responsiveness to make the website viewable on a variety of device screen sizes.
  • Altered the layout to avoid overlapping elements in the DOM.
  • Included alt tags, ARIA roles, and ARIA labels to make the website more accessible.
  • Provided page focus for many elements within the application to enhance the user experience for visually-impaired users.
  • Included a service worker to cache page content and files in accordance with an "Offline First" approach to web development.

Running The Application

To run the application, you can clone the repository using the following terminal command:

git clone https://github.com/udacity/mws-restaurant-stage-1.git

Alternatively, you can follow the below instructions to download to a hard drive:

  • Click the green "Clone or download" button above then choose "Download ZIP".
  • Find the folder mws-restaurant-stage-1-master in your Downloads folder or wherever it was placed on your device.
  • Right click and choose "Extract All".
  • Open your browser and use Ctrl + O (for Windows machines) to open the file selector on your device.

You will need to use a terminal for the server for the project. Once in the terminal:

  1. In the project folder, start up a simple HTTP server to serve up the site files on your local computer (if you do not know how to, see the next short paragraph). Python has some simple tools to do this, and you don't even need to know Python. For most people, it's already installed on your computer.

In a terminal, check the version of Python you have: python -V. If you have Python 2.x, spin up the server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 (or some other port, if port 8000 is already in use.) For Python 3.x, you can use python3 -m http.server 8000. Note: For some users of Python 3.x, the command will actually be python -m http.server 8000 (i.e. the command used would be python rather than python3). If you don't have Python installed, navigate to Python's website to download and install the software.

  1. With your server running, visit the site: http://localhost:8000         The main page on a desktop device:
            The top of the main page         The bottom of the main page     The main page on a mobile device:
        The top of the main page The bottom of the main page
        The restaurant page on a desktop device:
        The top of the restaurant page
            The bottom of the restaurant page     The restaurant page on a mobile device:
        The top of the restaurant page The bottom of the restaurant page