
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Adding User Management and Auth


For this assignment, you'll be securing a previous REST API data server that you created. You can pick the data/resource that you want to expose, but create something new for this assignment. Provide at least following CRUD methods: get all, get, add new (post).

The routes for the resource need to be protected, meaning a request has to come from a logged in user that presents an access token.

You'll need to provide:

  • Unprotected auth routes for: signin and signup and verify for user management. The first two return a JWT token on success.
  • A user model that can hash passwords and also compare a subsequent password
  • Middleware function that "protects" the resource route


  • Write E2E/API auth tests for signup and signin.
  • Write appropriate model and E2E/API tests for your resource. You'll need to "sign up" at start of test in order to access resource as this will break tests that previously worked without a token. Something like:
    let token = '';    
    before(() => {
        return request.post('/api/auth/signup')
            .send({ email: 'me@me.com', password: 'abc' })
            .then(res => {
                token = res.body.token;


  • Add a resource that checks a user's role and requires admin or some other elevated priviledge.


  • User Model: 2pts
  • Sign in/up routes: 2pts
  • Auth Middleware: 2pts
  • Project Organization and Testing: 4pts