git-svn-ext =========== This work is based on git-svn-clone-externals and the associated scripts written by Andre Pang. The methodology remains the same. Put git-svn-ext in your path and run it from the top-level tree checked out with git-svn. git-svn-ext will detect and git-svn clone the externals using the following method: * git svn clone each external into a .git_externals/ directory. * symlink the cloned repository in .git_externals/ to the proper directory name. * add the symlink and .git_externals/ to the .git/info/excludes/ file, so that you're not pestered about it when performing a git status. but the code has been converted to python as one script with sub-commands, supports newer subversion urls, and adds a few new features. From the usage output: Usage: ./git-svn-ext <sub command> [sub command args] sub commmands: clone : clone all svn externals into .git_externals (warning: removes local changes and commits on subsequent runs) update : Updates all svn externals (git svn fetch[ --revision]/rebase --local) check-unpushed : Check if local git-svn checkout has unpushed commits check : run 'git status' and 'check-unpushed' for all externals for-all : run a command against all externals (ie: git svn-ext for-all git grep 'whatever') Notes: externals may be ignored if listed in .git_external_excludes Authors ======= - Andre Pang <> - Mark van Lent <> - Alexander Artemenko <> - Wade Berrier <> TODO ==== - make clone not blow stuff away - handle the case when externals are removed or altered
Simple shell script to import svn:externals into a local git-svn repository