
a young and simple compiler for naive C

Primary LanguagePython

NaiveCCompiler Build Status

ncc is a compiler for naive C, nvm is a virtual machine to run naive assebemly language generated by ncc, and nce is a simple editor for editing naive c and naive assembly language.

Copyright© reserved

  胡文博 201474009 电计1402 && 祝磊 201472003 电计1402
  (group g25)
  source url:https://github.com/crisb-DUT/NaiveCCompiler


  1. x86-64
  2. linux 4.4.0
  3. g++ 5.0 (or any other version supporting C++11)
  4. cmake >= 2.8

Steps for compile and install ncc and nvm:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

How to use:

ncc [naive C source file] -o [naive assembly file]
nvm [naive assembly file]