
A collection of C++ function calls which wrap around the gnuplot plotting utility

This repository is a module used to call gnuplot directly from within C++ 
source code. This project is beginning with only a rudimentary set of 
function calls but I hope to expand upon them with time and eventually have 
a fully functioning library of C++ wrapper calls to gnuplot. Please feel 
free to use, distribute and contribute!

                         Build as a static library

To compile these functions as a static library which you can then link to
any C++ project, execute the following bash commands from within the source
code directory:

g++ -c -o gplotwrappers.o gnuplot.cpp
ar -cvq libgplot.a gplotwrappers.o

That's all there is to it! You should now be ready to include and link the 
library in any C++ source code you wish.

                            Link to your project

To link to the static library libgplot which you created above, you simply 
need to do the following two things:

1) Include the library's header file in each source file which will use the 
function calls:

#include "gnuplot.h"

2) To compile source files which use the library, include the path to the 
library in your makefile for each of the source files which use the library:

-I"/{path to the directory}/gnuplot-c-wrappers"

3) To link source files  which use the library, include the linker flag 
"-lgplot" along with the path to the library in your makefile:

-L"/{path to the directory}/gnuplot-c-wrappers"