

This module gathers reviews for the specified app and stores them in a SQLite database (reviews.db) in the module's root directory. Reviews for each app are collected until we find reviews older than the age specified by daysOfReviews.


git clone
npm install


All of the configuration takes place in index.js. There are only 3 properties to configure:

  • daysOfReviews (Integer): The number of days worth of reviews to collect (so reviews will be collected until we find a review older than today minus daysOfReviews
  • ios (String[]): An array of app IDs for iOS apps. The app ID can be found in the app's iTunes URL (Google ' iTunes' and you should find it). The app ID is the string of numbers directly after "id" in the URL:
  • android (String[]): An array of app IDs for Android apps. The app ID can be found in the app's Google Play URL (Google ' Google Play' and you should find it). The app ID is the string directly after "id=" in the URL:

The object passed to Collector#collect should look something like:

	// The # of days worth of reviews to collect
	daysOfReviews: 2,
	// The list of iOS app IDs to collect reviews for
	ios: [
	// The list of Android app IDs to collect review for
	android: [

Running the script

npm start