Array Items not being diffed when item moves to end of array
d1820 opened this issue · 0 comments
d1820 commented
An existing array item that gets moved to the end of an array does not get included in the diff results
Unit Test Code
protected readonly string _testDoc = @"{
""PartitionKey"": ""StoreFront.4aab3661-b697-4557-936f-1cd457328e5d"",
""id"": ""12345"",
""IsActive"": true,
""StoreDomain"": """",
""Items"": [""test1"", ""test2""],
""LastModifiedOn"": ""2017-11-03T10:08:48.0532074-07:00"",
""LastModifiedBy"": ""test"",
""CreatedOn"": ""2017-11-03T10:08:48.0532074-07:00"",
""CreatedBy"": ""test"",
""Test"": {""FieldResponses"":[{""Key"":""PurchaserSSN"", ""Type"":""ga-secure-socialsecurity"",""Response"": ""333-33-3333"",""ResponseContext"":null}, {""Key"":""PurchaserID"", ""Type"":""ga-secure-textbox"",""Response"":""securetext"",""ResponseContext"":null}]}
protected readonly string _changedDoc = @"{
""PartitionKey"": ""StoreFront.4aab3661-b697-4557-936f-1cd457328e5d"",
""id"": ""12345"",
""IsActive"": true,
""StoreDomain"": """",
""Items"": [""test3"", ""test4"", ""test2""],
""LastModifiedOn"": ""2017-11-03T10:08:48.0532074-07:00"",
""LastModifiedBy"": ""test"",
""CreatedOn"": ""2017-11-03T10:08:48.0532074-07:00"",
""CreatedBy"": ""test"",
""Test"": {""FieldResponses"":[{""Key"":""PurchaserSSN"", ""Type"":""ga-secure-socialsecurity"",""Response"": ""555-55-5555"",""ResponseContext"":null}, {""Key"":""PurchaserID"", ""Type"":""ga-secure-textbox"",""Response"":""newValue"",""ResponseContext"":null}, {""Key"":""NewItem"", ""Type"":""ga-secure-textbox"",""Response"":""NewItemValue"",""ResponseContext"": {""test"": ""test""}}]}
public async Task TEST()
var d1 = CreateDocument(_testDoc);
var d2 = CreateDocument(_changedDoc);
var jdp = new JsonDiffPatch(new Options
ArrayDiff = ArrayDiffMode.Efficient,
TextDiff = TextDiffMode.Simple
var diffObj = jdp.Diff(previousDocument, newDoc);
public JObject CreateDocument(string json)
return JObject.Parse(json);
If you examine the output you can see it drops the "test2" item from the diff
If the "test2" is moved anywhere else i the array it is matched and a delta is created. Due to this Can not use this diff tool completely, will have to use this and write custom array diff code, unless a quick patch and push can be done to fix this issue.
Related to #14 ??