- 0
- 0
- 2
Update nuget package
#67 opened by Ajoni - 5
- 1
High vulnerability in NewtonSoft.json 11.0.1
#65 opened by BarBenEzra1 - 0
Comparing array items by identifier
#54 opened by reponemec - 1
Add support for RFC 6902 Patches
#1 opened by wbish - 1
Excluded Paths Format For Arrays
#57 opened by benwalpole - 1
- 1
What is the "From" field for?
#53 opened by knight1219 - 1
- 1
- 1
Port to System.Text.Json
#44 opened by dzmitry-lahoda - 8
Array detectMove
#14 opened by akrobet - 0
- 2
Options ignored due to DeepEquals
#51 opened by thatrobert - 0
Exception in FormatDeltaChildren
#50 opened by safepage - 1
`~` and `/` show be replaced in patch path
#45 opened by moonheart - 3
- 3
- 0
- 2
- 6
Support for .NET 3.5
#25 opened by jadarnel27 - 0
Comparing array items with objectHash support
#42 opened by tarurar - 1
Can we have new and old values separated out separately without traversing the Diff elements one by one?
#38 opened by SubasishMohapatra - 2
Implement new Formatters for the Diff output
#27 opened by pascalsz - 0
Array gaps not handled efficently
#32 opened by flakey-bit - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown using - JsonDiffPatch()
#28 opened by devanathan2017 - 3
Method not found on versions 2.0.2 and 2.1.0
#24 opened by nstubi - 1
Add support for custom diff comparers
#23 opened by wbish - 3
Week comparison feature
#18 opened by tautautau - 1
compare only keys
#21 opened by jmls - 5
Unpatch breaks for unknown reasons
#17 opened by cornz - 2
Add support for .NET Standard
#12 opened by cmeeren - 3
Unpatch throws exception
#16 opened by npfrizze - 1
- 0
Add support for .NET 3.5
#5 opened by wbish - 0
Add support for .NET Core
#4 opened by wbish - 6
Support for VS2010
#11 opened by kmrgithub - 1
Newtonsoft versions > 8.0.2 not supported
#10 opened by Prosserc - 1
Patching string value does not work
#7 opened by kfrajtak - 0
google-diff-match-patch cannot be applied if it has more than one patch operation on property
#6 opened by arbitertl - 1
When arrays are same, diff is stil non-null
#3 opened by j-maly - 1
Add support for efficient array diffing
#2 opened by wbish